Director's Take: Balancing Heroes and Matchmaking

Director's Take: Balancing Heroes and Matchmaking

Game Director Aaron Keller gives insight into the current state of hero balance and matchmaking for Season 3

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Tanks are not in a great spot, they’re still too powerful. It’s good that you’re working hard on balancing and MMR but let’s not ignore the power of tanks.

it feels pretty good when you play as them but they do dominate a match…

bring their HP down but keep the damage… that way they are still fun to play…

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Tanks are alright atm.

Mercy needs sustain nerfing a little, Ball probably needs toning down a tiny bit. But the rest of the tanks are alright for now.

I wouldn’t even do that. I think a lot of the “tank strong” complaints come from games where your team doesn’t try focusing supports.

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riight… so in other words. you dont want a ‘‘tank’’. but another dps… makes sense i guess?

nobody wants to play a tank that’s why they had short cu time in ow1…

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Tanks are fun now though? And have the longest queue time now. True that the lack of one tank from ow1 times affects it a little, but not so much that the time would be longer than the dps queue.

The ball buff is very oppressive right now though, especially if played by even a halfway desent player. He just does not die. He needs several slow effects or stuns from other tanks to even help make a dent before he skitters off again.

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because they are beefy damage dealers/ brawlers now…

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Super fragile for being beefy. A mercy can solo any other tank than ball

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Pretty much this.

Lol no. You think a Mercy can solo, say, a Rein?

A good Mercy can. quite easily.

I have… what’s your excuse?

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Moira player… (and probably about to try find some other excuses).

Then the Rein must be terrible in that case.

Nice to see you trolling again on your other accounts.

See what I mean about finding an excuse. Always someone else.

Or alone, with a mercy he can’t swing at… These will be the Reins in your games.

The trick is to go for him right after he’s dashed your teammate to death. You ga hop up in the air and start shooting him in the head, he’ll be half health before you land. Then you just do it again with your teammates body and shoot him in the back when he runs. He can’t attack you while you’re in the air after all.

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Ah great, you have finally done it like you mentioned a few months ago it being an issue :smiley: great to see some movement on this.

We made some big changes to the matchmaker this season. The primary goal was to optimize the pairing of players to minimize the MMR difference within a specific role. For example, when making matches, we put more emphasis on the DPS players on each team being closer in skill than we do for the DPS players on one team being evenly matched with tank players on the other team. This has worked, and matches have a much tighter skill delta between players of the same role.

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You don’t need to copy paste that spam. We are all aware of role matching now.

It isn’t spam, it’s from a genuine Dev post that I’m quoting from linked in this thread.

We were already aware of the issue previously, and now we’re aware that they have started to fix this area (I say started, as there’s likely further changes/enhancements to be made).

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