Spring into Action! A Deep Dive into Lifeweaver, Overwatch’s Newest Hero

Spring into Action! A Deep Dive into Lifeweaver, Overwatch’s Newest Hero.

Overwatch’s latest hero dashes into the support lineup with the same warmth and brilliance as his biolight blossoms.

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Yay. Another support with and over bloated kit and low reliance on mechanical skill.

Just what we needed lol.

This is a no from me.

The design is gorgeous and i kind of like the juggling between the heal and damage. (Very reminicient of the mercy design)
The flower platform is certainly an utility and we’ll just have to see how it’ll mesh with everything else going on.

I’m just worried that the pull will be used to troll the team relentlessly.
Just imagine someone jumping off a ledge and pulling their own teammate with them, that’s just a nightmare.
It’s got to have a pretty long cooldown, like sleep, or even longer so it won’t be abused.

I dont like this trend of Invulnerabilities on Supports for no reason … and with just CD or Timing needed.
Also good god, the griefing this hero is going to do LOL

I think the pullability will be changed in the very near future. I remember Priests had this back in WoW and there was so much annoyance over it.

‘‘Spend every moment growing into who you truly are’’

Last quote from the video is giving me some serious woke groomer vibes.
Effeminate fabio Fairy looking dude?¿ with 437 pronouns just seems another pathetic and sad attempt to appease to the woke masses.

First in WoW you take my right to make a MALE character (now its either ‘‘body’’ 1 or 2) and now this guy who seriously is giving me some groomer vibes…

He’s only got one set of pronouns though.

And the rest just sounds like a you problem. Try seeing the world from a different perspective sometimes, might help with some of this complaint.

It is a video game. Why you worrying about things like this…

I think you might need to go speak to someone to discuss the irrational issues you seem to be having.

Also, it is pride month during this season… If you thought they weren’t going to do something like this for the new hero I am not sure what to tell you.

Irrational issues?
Seems to me you are the one who doesn’t live in the real world.
Get up and smell the coffee,from grooming kids to transexxuals that have no bussiness competing in sports event where they clearly have an advantage,and the list goes on and on.
And because it is a just a ‘‘videogame’’ is exactly the reason why i worry about this,they use all sorts of media to cram this woke bs down our throat.
Is it wrong for me to speak out and not agree with being force fed this bs?
Nope,don’t blue haired pronoun users ask for ‘‘tolerance’’ and to respect their choices?
well that is a 2 way street…

P.S: Pride month? lol,pride of what? grooming kids? shooting at schools where people are killed? adapting history to their narrative when they are starting to change the content of old books and movies to remove all content that they deem offensive?
Yeah pride month is a joke.

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i think it’s more to give women something to gawk at.
like how mercy is eye candy for men, lifeweaver will be eye candy for women.
honestly i don’t have an issue with that.

but the pull ability is gonna be a meme and people will hate you for picking that character, which is kind of awesome.

i mean yeah blizzard went woke, but they did so a long time ago, they aren’t changing if you and everyone else are still here funding them, so maybe it’s kind of silly complaining about it on their forums.

yeah that’s always gonna be a concern when you have an ally pull mechanic.
but honestly maybe it should be a skillshot instead of an auto lock, but i can definitly see this ability being ok if this community grows up a little and don’t use it for mostly trolling purposes.

Really amazing support, well done Overwatch team. :heart::heart:

Each to their own my dude.