Director's Take – Hero Balance Preview for Overwatch 2: Invasion

Director's Take – Hero Balance Preview for Overwatch 2: Invasion

Game Director Aaron Keller is back with another preview of how we're looking to make some hero balance changes for next season.

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"Soldier:76 got quite a buff in Season 5. We don’t think he’s oppressive, "

I’m glad he’s getting a mini nerf to his damage, since he definitely became very oppressive on flanker friendly maps due to the previous buff.

And finally! A mercy dmg boost nerf! Wouldn’t have minded it going down to 20% either but i suppose the devs need to be careful with her.

Sombra gets a set date for her rework too! Perhaps her reign of salt will finally end in season 7.

Amazing,let’s goooo 2 days left only! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

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So we’re not actually fixing anything then. Great.

"Hey there, moneybags. We just decided to make some changes for the sake of change. Please buy from the store. See you next season when we announce a huuuuge “shop update.”

In all seriousness, they at least considered the idea to nerf damage boost, which means they do know it’s bad for the game. 10% should be the max, discord orb included.

Why do you nerf the heroes that don’t have problems and don’t nerf the ones that deserve it? what’s up with Mercy you keep giving her Nerf? what bothers you that it gives boost? in season 1, Kiriko was good, she was very good to play, and now she’s broken, you can barely keep someone alive because she doesn’t give enough Heal, and the Teleport to allies is too short range, why do they get these heroes who are played and not they have Nerf problems when some are too overpowered, roadHog why don’t you Nerf him once because he has that Heal once every 10s and you can’t kill him and he took a nerf to give one more shot with Hook but you can still give one shot, solve it problems with heroes and matchmaking, as we all complain about the Matchmaking and Rank-up system, we don’t like the game and we want to see progress and that you make it better.

Mercy’s damage boost has been the issue behind sojourn’s, widow’s, ashe’s, hanzo’s and several other characters’ nerf demands.
It’s been too powerful for having no cooldown at all.

Kiriko’s healing recharge has been hastened amd with a shorter teleport you’re less likely to feed.

Roadhog is still probably going to get a rework at some point, but the heal should have a higher cooldown at least.

I understand, but this mercy nerf will have problems when it gives you the ultimate

What do you mean by that?

Valkyrie is still going to be the same functionally, the damage boost is just less.

At some point at least it was impossible to damageboost ultimates with mercy, i’m unsure what the situation is now.