Director’s Take – Retrospective on Season 6 Hero Balance

Director’s Take – Retrospective on Season 6 Hero Balance

Hero Designer Alec Dawson reflects on the past season for hero balance and previews upcoming changes for Overwatch 2

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I’m glad that orisa and bastion are being looked at. And definitely increasing that recovery time for torb is essential (it was ridiculous as an idea anyway).

Cautiously curious about the hog and sombra changes though. We’ll see how they’ll feel.

His turret was nerfed to shift attention to his primary fire and now they’re reverting that because it worked too well? Like make it make sense. If they’re going to revert his primary fire again, they should give power back to his turret again then. Otherwise what are they even trying to fix? It doesn’t make sense and they clearly don’t know what it is either.

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Why do you sound mostly reasonable, but it will end up worse again?

say we were to release Widowmaker again

can you unrelease her, along with hanzo?

  • Move some of his power around so that his effectiveness isn’t so tied to his one-shot potential

thank you, but can you do that to every hero?


Torbjorn is a surprisingly well balanced hero when compared to many others

Orisa, Bastion and Torb changes can’t come soon enough. The game is miserable to play when the easiest heroes are also the strongest.

No mention of Ball. Is he getting any love soon? He’s struggling just as much as Hog right now. It will feel even worse if these Sombra/Hog reworks makes them stronger.

remove reinhardt from the game. no one plays him.

the uwu fanclub loves orisa too much.

There are many reinhardt specialists out there who decimate enemy teams easily by being aggressive with a littlebit of support.

Even in mystery heroes (where tanks have less health) my team’s reinhardt just deleted the enemy team several times without dying once, with only a mercy for support.

The three other teammates just hovered around the payload and helped during choke points.

He’s impactful but you need to have good game awareness and not get carried away and dash too far. A supported aggressive reinhardt is a terrifying enemy.