Solve the Mystery of Cosmic Crisis

Solve the Mystery of Cosmic Crisis

Overwatch 2 latest season begins with a new limited-time event that will test your courage and your allegiances.

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“Cosmic Crisis has unique co-op objectives that change between playthroughs”

2 things in the mode that swap between 2 options.
The ship is fine, but having at least 3 different possibilities for the second objective would have made the mode a little more replayable. Especially since you already know which one you’ll be faced with by the time you’re halfway to the trigger of the said objective.

It would be more fun if the next objective was more of a secret before you get there, giving the team a little less time to prepare for it. One of the two options does give the defector a much better chance at success than the other, which also doesn’t feel very good as a design.

Add at least 2 more difficulties on top of this so called “legendary” so they match the OG junkenstein/harbour-omnic events when they first come out in terms of being challenging.