A locked hero game mode

This is how I thought the mode would work. If you were to pick D.va in this mode you would then be locked on D.va and will not be able to switch off her at all.

I would think the only way for you to be able to switch off D.va would be after a round is over.

Same goes for all other heroes, where once you picked it, the second you are moving around in the game you would then be locked onto that hero until the next round or when you ahve selected the hero you wanted to play you will not be able to change it

Sounds like Team Deathmatch Elimination, essentially you could only pick one hero for each round and afterwards they were no longer available to use so you had to pick something else.

Problem is though it’s a bit more difficult to do in 6v6 environments as the matches tend to be longer and often require switching to counter.

This is like saying: “Let’s make a game mode where voice chat is muted.”, i.e.: most games will intrinsically have those elements anyway, yet they don’t add anything strange enough to warrant an extra game mode. Additionally, you have to look at the player side of things: who would choose that particular game mode and when. The answer: people who really want to one-trick a hero. Not ANY hero, THEIR hero. People would in most cases enter those games with a specific hero in mind, and if someone else takes it from them, that’s probably a leaver right there.
The other part of it is that if you get a really bad comp (or bad matchup), there’s no escape from that, leading to most games being over well before they are actually over, which is not a fun experience.

well… its not 100% the same, I’m thinking more that it is on all the regular maps, and not in how the elimination maps where once you are out you are then out, it whould still function simmilar to how QP and comp do where you respawn, but only as that hero you started as.

This would work with a +50 hero roster

It’s called comp. :wink: