Ability's barely used by the majority

List of ability’s that are barely if ever used by the general public, not counting pro play etc.

Lucio’s wall walk: seen used well in a few highlight videos but other than that it’s hardly ever used.

Mercy’s Pistol: ye it comes out once or twice but i doubt people would even notice if it was gone.

Baptiste power jump: just a gimmicky jump aint it tbh

Hanzo dash jump: why would i be dashing about when im gonna sit way back here n fire arrows.

Ashe dynamite: forget it’s a skill most of the time along with her knockback

Symettra teleport: another one used well in pro play but other than that you might see it used once or twice in normal play.

can you guys think of anymore?

Melee… like i don’t think a lot of people actually use the quickmelee button half the time…


ye true i feel like a pro player when i start finishing people off with the melee

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a quick melee can some times make the diffrence… and some times you just waste a second you should have been reloading your gun X3
(or half a freaking hour if your on Ashe… lol freaking slow reload)


Lucio: His new wall ride still feels weird to people that are used to the old-school wall-riding. Sometimes you stick to stuff you don’t want to stick to. Then there’s the fact that you don’t always want to be too aggressive with him, and the biggest part of the wall isn’t covered by your Rein’s shield. Personally, I mostly use it to get back to a fight, because dying to a random Hanzo arrow that isn’t even aimed because I got too aggressive can lose a team fight.

Mercy: Swapping weapons (which most people probably do with the mouse wheel, as do I) feels odd with many mouse wheels, because you might not feel the exact swapping point. Having the wrong thing in your hand is really bad, so the choice to not get out the gun can be reasonable. Personally, I like to swap a lot, eventhough at hectic times I end up with the wrong one due to rolling a bit too far.

Baptiste: He has officially the worst movement ability ever. Jump-crouching is reasonable. Crouch-jumping feels weird and slow and his “hang time” is a death sentence. Out of combat: fine. Otherwise: heck no!

Hanzo: Isn’t that always used by everyone?

Ashe: See Hanzo. Pretty much on cooldown unless there’s a D.Va on the other side.

Symm: If you want to make use of your teleporter, you require communication. You only get communication in ranked. Noone plays Symm in ranked. Connect the dots.^^

With Mei it feels like people use either only her left-click or only her right-click. Some “I pick Mercy because we need a support and she’s so easy” forget that SPACE slows down her fall. Moira has a healing orb, even some plat players don’t use it. Soldier sprint outside of setting up or re-engaging.

This is just straight up nonsense. Like every ability you list is used ALOT except for maybe Mercy pistol. And Ashe not using dynamite and knock? Haha that’s like Rein not using shield. Same goes for wall ride, tp and lunge.

Tell me OP, is this based on bronze game observations? Because I can’t imagine where you get these idea’s from.


You must be playing some of those characters wrong (Hanzo, Ashe and Symettra) if you forget those abilities (Dash, Dynamite and Teleport) don’t exist.

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Lucio: As a frequent Lucio player, I use wallride more often than a Genji says “I Need Healing.” Very effective for fast movement for returning to the team or getting to a fight after respawning. So you’re wrong there.

Mercy: I play Mercy a lot (I main healers in comp) and I hardly use the pistol unless I’m finishing low health enemies or for self defense. However I disagree with you on no one noticing it gone. It can be very useful for team fights if your team is already topped off or good for defense against flankers. Removing the gun would make Mercy so vulnerable. (Cause no one protects healers.)

Baptiste: Good for setting up on high ground. However his airtime kills him if there’s a enemy sniper so no one uses it as much. So I agree with you on Baptiste.

Hanzo: Literally everyone uses it all the time what are you on about.

Ashe: Same as Hanzo. Everyone uses it all the time. I’m starting to think you’re just a bad player.

Symmetra: Good for moving from place to place especially for returning to fights after respawning. If coordinated well, can used for amazing plays like Dva bomb, rip tire or something as simple as a flank. Great for outplaying the enemy.

Overall you’re just full of BS or you’re a terrible player.

Most matches I’m in, I see a lot of melee kills. I mainly play QP or Arcade and I’m in silver BTW.

Reapers Teleport its rarely used due to how vulnerable it is , Only enw players use it and soon reliese they just gonna die

I love Mercys pistol, I can wreck face during her ultimate with it :wink: most of the time though, especially with heroes I’m unfamiliar with, I simply forget. Then once I’m dead I think “Oh yeah, that ability could have made a difference.”.

TS i think you got no clue what’s going on in game :smiley:
On 3500 players are using all this abilities :slight_smile: and that’s isnt high level .
Can’t even remind call to mind a character with useless ability .