Again, matchmaking between tanks SHOULD be fair

I can’t stress this enough. The matchmaking is horrible Diamond/Masters tanks. Longer queue time to have a fair match of equal MMR is necessary. Almost nobody is playing tank, and why is that? Because playing tank is not fun, you have horrible matchmaking and your impact isn’t great when you don’t have players of your elo to support you.

Being a tank and playing with players below your rank, is bad for the balance and overall joy for the tank player. I myself am high diamond/ low masters, but I am not enjoying playing with alt, only to be 3.3k and getting 4 plat on my team. Or a match where the difference of the players is 600 SR.

This is not true competitive. Blizzard is false advertising ranks. Rank doesn’t matter anymore at this point. It’s false advertising. SR seems to matter here.

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i’m stuck in silver (not going to lie… i’m comfortable playing in gold)

with support it’s a bit easier to climb to gold (few more wins now)

i’ve been stuck in the back end of silver for 2 or 3 seasons now. didn’t play last season because i was tired of the 1sided steamrolls in silver… nothing changed…

when i get placed with gold players i actualy see players making less mistakes. it’s like silver people don’t know how to take cover :frowning: