Anime fans great

i am watching allot of anime fans kill me and get killed by me.
they call themselfs soul reaper. and ichigo of all names you name yourslfe?.
dont get me wrong i like anime but are they allowed?.
i watch shonen like bleach its only a good anime fighting show.
but these players name themslfe after a anime character… let me know

Yeah how dare people people make their usernames after cartoons…


mate. cartoons is cartoons. anime is anime. cartoons hardly have scary blood.
anime is better and looks good scary more for adults even has blood that everyone loves to see.
name after a cartoon. i got killed by a winston main calls himslfe pikachu

Who the hell cares about some stupid names in a video game??? People are allowed to name their account whatever they like as long as it’s not against TOS.

Anime sucks anyway.