Another OW account

Hi guys!

I was wondering, how is the experience with starting another OW account? I would appreciate to have lvl 0 again as its annoying when some ppl still think its somehow connected to the skill and performance. Moreover I would be curious how comp works. Did you end up with roughly same SR? Thanks for your input :slight_smile:

If you are only really playing OW for the competitive side… the levelling is pretty boring.

First few games you will be with all the other fresh accounts, so the games a little weird. Then about an hour or so in, you will just be getting “normal” games again.

As for the ranked side after 25… You might find yourself initially a little higher (if you get lucky with your placements and first few games after). But if you play enough you will just end up levelling out around the same level.

All my accounts, across all roles, are within about 500sr. But I try to play a different pool of heroes on each one, as initially my first fresh account was to learn a couple of heroes I didn’t play, so just one tricked them.

It is also good having more than 1 account. If you lose a couple of on 1, but don’t want to stop playing, you can switch accounts. Even if you are playing badly and keep losing you soften the impact.

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