Arcade competitive a joke?

Am I the only one who got a huge sr difference between his actual comp and the arcade eliminations comp? My normal comp rank is 2800 but whenever I play comp eliminations I get placed in silver and gold, lol.
Im always the last one to die but somehow Im just to stupid for this game mode, or else I wouldnt get placed so low. I dont really see what my main problem is

So my normal rank is 2700 plat
My Team DM 4vs4 is diamond
My CPT is gold
and my 6vs6 elims now silver.

Comp arcade modes are generally treated as jokes and just used as gold point farms

I have a variety of ranks when it comes to arcade. 6v6 Lockout Elimination - Master, CTF - around silver/gold (haven’t gotten my rank, but with those ranked players I played), Competitive Deathmatch - Diamond, my normal competitive rank, Diamond.

Like CAKEsup said, it’s just a joke, all of them.

Being the last one alive won’t have any impact.

If you lost all or most of your placements it’s not really a surprise that you’re below your ranked SR.

I think it uses your hidden MMR to define your rank in 6v6 ranked.

That makes sense I guess.
My normal rank is 2700 plat
My Team DM 4vs4 is diamond
My CPT is gold
and my 6vs6 elims now silver.

But somehow my heart is bleeding nevertheless