"Balanced" Mystery Heroes

I’ve been playing Overwatch again recently because of the special, 1 week American Reaper skin, and I normally play Arcade for all nine of my wins since:

  1. I can get 9 loot boxes on top of the skin
  2. Because I can’t trust Quick play with all the goddamn 5 DPS comps
    And since Lucio Ball is the most boring game I’ve played on Overwatch and death match is single player only, I play on mystery heroes most of the time, and it’s so frustrating. I mean I get it, it supposed to be casual and your meant to have fun and not take it seriously, but I’m trying to get my skin so I am trying to win. And it seems like very damn game we get like, 3 Widows, and they have something stupid like 3 Bastions and 3 Orisas. There should be a mystery heroes game mode where you assigned a role, all the teams have a 2-2-2 comp (and I know some people don’t like 2-2-2 but it’s balanced and it works better than 3 Widows and 2 Hanzos so shut up) and then every time you respawn you get a random character from the same role. This would make games a lot more balanced instead of something stupid like 2 Torbs and 2 Symmetras on attack 2 CP (actually happened and it was so damn annoying).
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No thank you. Mystery heroes is fine as it is.


Uhh… No it isn’t. Plus if you believe that, play original mystery heroes, this’ll be a separate game mode.

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Oh i have played original mh, can’t remember the difference tbh…

I like it the way it is. And it’s basically the only gamemode i play. Because it is the way it is.
Don’t like it? Play qp where you have your role selections and so on…

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I prefer they change to the 9 games win to 9 games FULLY played…

This removes atleast some what of the frustration especially those who have not as much as time as some others to complete this weekly stuff.


I can’t trust QP for obvious reasons and if this was to get added, it wouldn’t overwrite the current mystery heroes, it would be it’s separate game mode. I enjoy mystery heroes a lot but recently I got a game with 2 Ashes and 2 Baptistes on the enemy team, and it’s no fun when you are going against something as stupid as that. Especially when all you’re getting is Symm and Torb on attack, on top of the stupid team mates deciding to push forward for no reason and getting themselves killed, which is a whole different can of worms. Just make balanced an option so people like you who enjoy the current mystery heroes can do so, while people like me can still have fun playing a fair but still random mystery heroes.

Don’t play Mystery Heroes, it’s god awful garbage.

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It was good once. Until they killed it.

Mystery heros is randomly random… randomness is the whole point… that and making people learn everything… even stinking stupid doomfist *grumble grumble…*

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I’m sorry but I just played a game of 2 roadhogs, 2 zaryas and an orisa. No. Just no. All I’m getting is pharah and widowmakee because she’s useless against roads.

Well then what do I play? RN we have QP, and I’m not playing that garbage with it’s goddamn 5DPS comps.

Competitive, I’ve just come back from a 6 month break from playing the game that’s the last thing I want, plus it has the same problem of 5DPS (which is why I’m on the Role Lock is a good thing side)

LucioBall, Haha…no. (It’s the most boring game I’ve ever played on Overwatch)

Death match, I play with a friend so that’s out of the question

Low Gravity, (this changes everyday so this won’t be accurate in a few days) has the same damn problem of 5DPS

And then we’re left with mystery heroes. I wouldn’t mind playing No limits, but that isn’t always on and Total Mayhem I haven’t seen since my 6 month break, so what do I do?

Then make your own group with the lfg… Then you can lock the roles as you desire, so i don’t see the problem

Ifg? Is that a PC thing because otherwise I have no clue. Unless you mean that thing at the bottom of the play screen which I’ll be honest, I haven’t used at all.

Sure after maybe sometime u get a full group just to be dismantled after 1 lost game.

Just been using it. Couldn’t even get a full goddamn group. People would join, then leave and we never got a full group (it’s probably because I enable enforce rolls and all people want to do in this game is troll)