@blizz . reinhardt pin bugged again?

I had this before , when i charge it pushes them away instead of pinning them. im not doing anything else then before. I saw this same thing a year ago now it seems to be back, if i charge them it is to pin them not to push them away and die, plz blizz take a look at it. ty

i got over 300 hours on rein and i dont base this on 1 game, played like 50 games and its the same in every game.

I was watching a stream a few weeks back and there were talking about this and someone said that it was to do with what should you hit them with…

Not tested it myself, so not sure how accurate that is.

Noticed that, I charged directly into someone and it pushed them away. Maybe a lag issue or something, normally I don’t have a problem.

Always has been semi bugged. Pin sometimes fails were it’s not supposed to. Sometimes succeeds where it’s not supposed to. Same for shatter.
Close range pins works most of the time I would say. Honestly you should only pin short range anyway lol. Those opportunistic long range charging reins look ridiculous.

i know its allways been abit dodgy, but now its more then before, maybe they can look into it :slight_smile:

if you don’t hit well, players just fly to the side of it, as it should be.

I am in a similar case. I charged into a friendly grav and somehow passed in the middle of a zarya and a reaper without pinning any of them

KetaKubaner its not that it is not pinning , all im saying is that when it should be a 100% pin sometimes it isnt , it was like that before but now its worse , just like a year ago

and yeah people dont do long ranged pins, that will get you killed for sure because that enemy team will be around the corner ready to close you in ^^