Blizzard are you trying to keep newbies away on purpose or sth?

I just teamed up with 2 new players I’m introducing to the game, for QP.
So we lost 16 games in a row, getting smurfs after smurfs for opponents.
Even statistically how is this possible, what is your matchmaker doing?
Well guess what, you just lost 2 players forever after their first day, good job.

smurf… not really a thing in quick play.

You don’t really get a match maker in QP if and experienced player plays with 2 new accounts. It has no idea how to match you.

But yeah. Doing that will be rough for new players. Probably best to play arcade.

Keep in mind it’s using your group MMR, since you are more experienced, they will get put into harder matches.

You realize you’re basically complaining about smurfs in the other team while you are smurfing yourself, don’t you? :wink:

That being said, I believe getting harder matches at the start, while not being that fun of an experience, will actually cause them to learn quicker, because their mistakes are getting punished.

Also, the alternative would have been worse: I sometimes play with a friend who’s not that good at the game (he was <500 DPS at one point), and usually when we play together the same thing you described happened: we got put into (for him) much harder games. However, last week for whatever reason, we got put into matches with low MMR players like him instead. I’m barely Plat and not that good of a player, but I ended up dominating every single match, which wasn’t fun for anybody, not even me.

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There are plenty of smurfs in the game. They do play in QP because they can’t play in competitive until they’re at least level 25…

Sadly nothing will be done.

Above is false information from a known liar and naysayer.

You can’t manipulate your MMR, so it is basically “impossible” to smurf in QP.

As you can manipulate your SR/rank, smurfing becomes a possibility in ranked. It is annoying when it happens, but you won’t encounter it that often.

As it is banable, those doing it do tend to get actioned in time.

Excuse me, when I started this game, I was not able to play in competitive until I hit 25, so I can vouch for the above poster.

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I never disagreed with that. Just that you can’t smurf in QP. That is the lie.

Try telling him that… He’ll still deny it. Smurfs play in QP, because they need level 25 to compete in competitive. I mean it doesn’t take a scientist to figure that out.

No. That is just people on alt accounts playing Quick Play, where you can’t smurf.

This is the issue. People don’t actually know what smurfing is, then falsely accuse people. Then they get abusive chat bans, and blame everyone else around them for that ban. Again and again, until that ban hits 30 days…

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Are you saying smurfs can’t play QP at all? How do smurfs gain the ability to play competitive if they can’t level up in QP first? I don’t know m8 but it sounds like you don’t know what smurfing is.

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Someone with sense, thank you!

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They can, but they won’t be smurfing. Just playing Quick Play.

That isn’t how smurfing works. As you can’t manipulate MMR, you will just get matched against similarish skilled players.

You need to get to ranked to manipulate that to smurf.

This is why seeing a low level account just trying to win and climb, is yet again, not smurfing.

Sadly, Mr V has had a bad experience in recent times and dropped a lot of SR and needs something to blame, and can’t bring him self to just check his own game play.

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Not being funny m8 but judging by your responses on these forums, I’m not sure if I can take you seriously.

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That is fine. Not my concern. I speak my mind, if you are unable to take it face value and add your input, that is cool. I don’t think the forum is a popularity contest like our friend there.

I hate smurfs as much as the next guy. But the first step to curing the problem, is correctly identifying it.

Just labelling any sub level 25 account that rolls you in QP a smurf isn’t going to help any one.

Redshell, trolling on a bronze account he got someone else to derank… that is an issue that needs to see all his accounts banned.

Some dudes levelling new accounts… that would be a silly move.

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At this rate I don’t think many can.

You didn’t lose 16 games in a row in QP (of all places) because of smurfs. You lost 16 games because you just introduced two new people to the game who have never played Overwatch before. Overwatch is not an easy game and nobody can just pick it up and start winning. It takes time t0 learn the mechanics, the heroes, the abilities. etc.

Or, you know, we can just blame it all on smurfs and not take any responsibility. The easy way out.


hes right on this one dude. you stomp the first few games but you get decent players incredibly fast. my smurf went literally one game before getting nothing but gold borders. i know that level is not an indicator of skill but at the very least it proves that the game acknowledges that I dont belong with new players.


Isn’t better way to introducing game into trainning,where u have more time to explain to players and give them some real tips,instead of going in QP direct?I remembar the day when I came at Overwatch,I had problems with a map alot,I lost myself on the map lolz :smiley: ,people were laught on me,I didn’t care at all will I kill someone or will someone kill me.

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I still think the system is flawed.

That is a fine opinion to have.

One that is easy to prove wrong.