Blizzard destroyed their best game mode - and people don't even see it

Yesterday I had a game where the enemy got the following comp (after 3 or 4 deaths)
3 Zarya, Lucio, Hog, Orisa.
We had no shieldbreaker nothing that could beat this. Shield and bubbles everywhere.
No chance.
Next game enemy:
Orisa, 2 Bastion, Torbjörn, Baptiste, Mercy
On Junkertown Attack
Yep nice :sweat_smile:

But there were also some nice games

Mystery Heroes is pure “who gets more supports and keeps stomping” rng garbage… I personally only like it because it’s a brainless way to just reroll rng until I get my 9 boxes.


Mystery Heroes is pure “who gets more supports and keeps stomping” rng garbage… I personally only like it because it’s a brainless way to just reroll rng until I get my 9 boxes.

For me it’s usually “who can teamplay better instead of roaming aimlessly and focus the priority heroes to prevent killer comps”. I find it has more strategy than most other arcade modes or Quick Play.

So that’s what’s been going on, the games felt really unbalanced and not really random, thus I stopped playing it altogether lately and with that more or less the entire game. Mystery Heroes was the mode my friend and I actively played, the rest was just extra content.
Please Blizzard, just let random be random. Don’t give certain heroes/classes weights.

4 games in a row where not a single member of my team got a healer, so i’m pretty sure it’s the same garbage it’s always been

Whichever team dies more has always been far more likely to end up with a team comp that ends up rolling the enemy team.

Tanks/Supports just happen to survive for so long in that mode that people think that it’s weighted.

What you’re saying here is: if a team is losing, they have at least a decent chance for a recovery. Usually, more deaths just means ult charge and getting completely wiped, but in old MH it went like this:
Bad comp → many deaths → good shot at a comp that’s better → get more kills → opponent has more deaths → opponent has a good shot at a comp that’s better.
And during this rotation, there are many points at which you can strategically target how it would go.
Nowadays… not so much. Now winning just means winning even more.

I’ve noticed it very hank and support heavy than I remember. I’ve played about 5 games and got around 7 tanks, In one game had to die about 12 times before I got a DPS. Kinda killed it tbh.

I think you are a little bit alone with your opinion, but every voice matters. And you make a fair point to introduce Mystery Heroes Classic i guess.