Blizzard warn/bans me for reporting players!

I get warnings just because I am reporting players for as Blizzard says abusive chat.
I have never said any abusive.
Only tells people to report that and that player.
And to me that is not abusive chat.

Sometimes i was reported for same reason. Sometimes for my toxicity - that’s my problem. If u don’t do anything so bad, so you no need to worry about.

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You also admitted you spam false reports on people for picking certain heroes.

You get what you deserve in the end.


I get what I deserve?
How about people learn to play without cheats?

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Yes, because they aren’t cheating.

Don’t do this, don’t get warned. Easy.


Nothing much to say, I agree with both post’s of @RodimusPrime


people sadly abuse the report system.

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Nah I call BS bigtime and btw, if you make threads and reports like this:

than it’s just pure karma. Man up, grow up and get your act together.