Blizzard's punitive approach

i didnt say u cant reply but ur spamming. Say your piece and then go in peace. Your making every post a focused reply to the previous post but not about the original post. Cause thats the subject. I kept telling you you were ignoring the subject.

Because you can’t see to find the button, I have put you on ignore.

You are just tilted.

sigh, why do people behave like this. OMG ofc i am tilted uve spent the last 5 hours spamming me with trollish posts purely with the intent to tilt… And you seem bent on prouving that u are better than me? or something weird to that effet? god knows why? I guess i am just an indecent person and u are a “decent” one.

Honestly, all nightwing has done is answering your questions, not anywhere can I see that he is trying to tilt you, that’s all on yourself.

But your threads make me wanna get popcorn. Such a dramaqueen :heart:

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That is indeed how Nightwing responds to most arguments. It’s useless to argue with them.
They read what they want to read and then try to blame you for a problem blizzard should be able to handle

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Lol. Waiting to see what Blizzard should do.

Wow you enjoy watching people get trolled and harassed by forum trolls who clearly try to discourage anyone from making well intentioned suggestions to improve the game. Ouch. This is sad. And then you call the victims dramaqueens?
Not much empathy left there i see.

Hmmm. What empathy do you want??

Oh sweetie, I’m literally the most empathetic person alive, but I don’t have sympathy for someone who makes themselves a victim.

I can say that I don’t always agree with Nightwing and sometimes he misunderstand the point people try to make. But he still answer in the way he interpreted the post in a clear understandable manner. Not once (unlike me) has he lashed out towards people when disagreeing. And for that he has my respect.

Does it help if there are more people who tell you that you are what you say yourself despise the most on the Forums ?

You only are the Victim because you want to be the victim.

No comment to this that’s for sure. I won’t bother with these forums anymore. I see I’m wasting my time.