Can we do something about non-English speaking players in competitive?

I know where not in North America and many players aren’t native English speakers. However, when players talk in their own native languages only, it gets harder to communicate and work together. It’s hard to do that when half of the team speaking only in Russian!

How do we fix this? Clearly Blizzard cannot teach every player English.


Maybe the game should have more voice commands.


For starters filter groups by language in LFG should be a thing. In EU less than third of the LFG groups are English speakers.

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Less than a third?Only UK speaks English, Germany (German) , Italy (Italian),Spain (Spanish),Greece (Greek),Bulgaria (Bulgarian) and so on,its far less than 1/3 man its basically only UK in whole EU that English is the main Language.

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I am referring to the number of groups in LFG that have stated english in the group name as the language of choice. Regardless where they are from. Me, I’m from Finland, but since nobody but us Finns speaks Finnish, we habitually speak English.

Great deal of groups in LFG are for French, German, etc. I am not going to join those groups, so Id rather them not clog up my group list. Give me option to search by language.


Speak more languages then.


Excuse me if i didnt understand you correctly,it would be nice yeah since i dont speak Spanish for example.

There is no LFG. Nobody’s used LFG for three seasons. It’s always empty, except on weekends when there are teams queueing to throw to bronze. You can’t divide by zero.

Even if people still uses LFG, Blizzard still wouldn’t support language based voice chat because it would reveal how few people play Overwatch in relation to the previous years.

Hold on, let me just learn Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian, Polish and a whole bunch of other languages just in case 1 or 2 people on my team don’t speak English.

As someone who only speaks English I am amazed that people as ignorant as you still exist.

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You should learn other languages too. Maybe those that don’t speak English as a second language speak French etc. Stop being lazy and learn a 2nd language.

Don’t worry! All these noobs will be out of our lobbies when Brexit happens and we get separate servers to these EU plebs

Sure thing, cuz blizz has nothing else better to do with their money and resources but to make separate servers for UK. :joy: Go act like a little bitch somewhere else.

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I remember getting flamed by the only English person on my team for speaking German with the other 4 people. We even told him that if he talks we will speak English but he didn’t.
But I can feel your frustration with Russians, as half russian I know many just don’t bother learning other languages.

I mean nobody has to learn full languages, learning just enough to aide in game commands could do alot

-i’m assuming most character names are the same in other languages (correct me if i’m wrong)

-abilities (could even be supplemented by saying “moiras shift” for example)

-ultimates (could be suplemented similarly as abliities)

-team comps (dive, bunker, deathball, stall)

-mini, mega healthpack

-push foward, fall back, play slow

-top, bottom, left, right, behind, spawn

-back line, front line

-numbers would also be helpful

overall i dont think this unreasonable to learn for multiple languages if you really want to tryhard in comp

Seeing as English is the 2nd most spoke language in the world, I think saying a less than a 1/3 speak it is underestimating. Probably looking at 60%+ of the EU player base speak English.

Yeah I remember this from old ego-shooter Wolfenstein enemy teritory - You had to Press V than 1-9 and than you had very very much voice commands… for example “need a medic” or “go to the point” “you block my view” and so on. Best Voice commands I ever saw in an ego shooter.

A lot of names are different in French. I don’t know for other languages. More commands would be appreciated to be honest, to people who simply doesn’t want to talk or can’t talk (or don’t want to get mocked for their accent).

I missed the spot feature in this game from the beginning on.
I’m talking about a function which helps tagging enemies by pressing a button while aiming in their direction, or smth like that.

wait a second. Someone who speaks just 1 language, calls someone else “ignorant”???

yeah good point a better command system would be helpful, csgo and tribes commands felt very natural after a couple hours of using them, and you could tell alot of things with it