Competitive need a re-work

competitive need a re-work or somthing because im stuck in the lower ranks and cant seem to get any higher in placements even wheneim above that skill level and it just really fustrating when you lose ranks over things out of your control and i just want to play competitive with my friends and i do understand that hard to change stuff so its fair for eveyone but its so hard to improve when you dont get the chance too.

how about they change is so you don’t lose SR when you lose, just for you?

If you are not gaining SR. You aren’t improving, or you’re not playing enough.

Bad players, throwers and all that jazz will only effect a few games. Volume will over come that.


competitve doesnt need a rework. when you get better, you climb. when you dont improve, you stay at your rank or fall. do not blame the system for your inability to climb. insteaad of crying on the forums about the game being broken, spend your time in something more productive.

If you are better than the average player at your SR range and therefore deserve to climb, you should carry every game.

If your rank isn’t changing, you are not carrying your games.

If you’re losing games despite performing well, and are below diamond, then your SR is influenced by performanced based SR regardless of whether you win .

Work on your mindset, stop playing when you feel yourself get triggered and your performance slips, and review the games where you didn’t win to see if there is anything you could have done to change the outcome.

Your team will do what your team will do. The key to climbing the ranks in Overwatch is to focus on the things that you are able to control . If your team was disorganised you could have done more to organise them. If nobody was dying you could have hit more shots and got more value with ultimates. If the game is going to be lost keep putting in max effort and trying to get value , in order to get the most out of performance based SR.

Good luck with the grind, friend.