Competive points and coins. Cant buy anything for those anymore

I have 50.000 coins. I have every single skin in the game, voice line , etc… I have 200 unopened loot boxes. No point opening them because there are only duplicates that give more coins I cannot use on anything…
I also have 6000 competitive points that can only be used to by golden guns. I have bought golden gun for every hero I play and even some I not play.
My point is, that there should be something more to use those points on. Some more customization or possibility to buy League skins for those points.

Customisable skins are likely coming in OW2…

By customisable, it will probably just mean you can pick what colour the basic skin is, rather than them having 3 or 4 of the same skin.

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New things are coming in ow2 .so keep all these coins and stuff . They will serve you well once ow2 releases