Console overwatch needs love

We have been asking for litterally years for a few simple things that always just get overlooked and the general consensus is that blizzard simply do not care about rhe console version of their game. This is increasingly annoying as new games constantly come out with these features already included and they seem to listen to their fans.

I have played thousands of hours of ps4 overwatch and asked/ complained about certain things with many many others and never heard any feedback what so ever. I am aware some if the issues such as the smurf issue are uncontrolable and i will therefore not include them.


  1. Field of view. We have asked for so long for console overwatch to be put in line with pc overwatch allowing us to change the fov. I and many others really want this change and would not mind a hit to graphics in order to facilitate it.

  2. The ability to lower specific graphical options. This would be nice to have more customisability and also to make sure the fps is always stable and obtain the competitive advantages that come with lower graphical options.

  3. The games general aiming system and the aim assist system implimented with it. The games aim feels terrible compared to wvery other console fps i play the game because i love it but you really do notice how bad the aim system is when going to any other game even apex legends a brand new unpolished game feels a tone better. The other point is that every other games aim assist mechanic feels actually fluid and nice with your aim and it feels barely noticable but helpfull. On overwatch the aim assist feels like a nececity as the aim mechanic sucks but it also is extremely frustrating as it feels like it hinders gameplay as much as it helps. We appriciate the aim assist ease in change this was a huge improvement but overwatch still lacks far behind in this aspect.

  4. In a game with charachters directly above your or moving quicky 360 degrees around your charachter model why is the maximum sensitivity so much slower than on other games. The argument of most heroes being hip fire based is in my opinion invalid as you can adjust individually for every charachter so why are we limited to 100 100 on heroes such as winston, dva, hammond, lucio, reinhard, genji, pharah, tracer and others. These heroes feel auper clunky on this low of a sensitivity and it feels heavily limiting. The best examples are genji and winston whose play time is so much less in higher ranks than on pc simply due to this limiting feel. I loved genji he used to be my main but he is simply not viable at high ranks with this current limitation you either use 100 100 with 100 smoothing and can aim but blades and 180s are hard or you can use 0 smoothing and turn a but better but aiming feels horrible. Why can the values not just be adjusted or even the maximum values just be increased to 150. Imo 200 wouldbe unnecesary and i could only aee a few genji or winston players using it.

The mass number of players just throwing, win trading orboosting. It was to my understanding that blizzard had a no tollerenxe policy on theae things especially boosting yet if you look at the psn profiles or youtubes of around 60 percent of top 500 players they all have message for boost or a boosting website link. Thsse players do not even hide the fact that they boost for money or actively ruin tones of games by wintrading all the time.

Final point. The ps4 matchmaking system is so broken when im in gm im always in diamond games and when im in mid master im constantly versing top 500s it makes zero sense. The worst of this is being around 3750sr and running into the same top 50 4 stack constantly while either solo quing or duoing with someone at the same rough rank.

Thank you for reading this if you take the time to. I and many others would greatly appriciate some statement of any kind that console issues are being looked at. Personallly the main things that annoy me are the aim mechanic including the aim assist system and limited sensitivity when you compare it to all the other a+ titles overwatch simply does not compare and the fact that pc got an fov slider after community uproar yet we have been asking for it for 3 years and have heard litterally nothing.


Bump +1 vote very valid points.


Really wish console got more love. Bumped.


I have pc also. What right do you have to be do high and mighty a considerable amount of the overwatch playerbase plays on console if people loose interest in the game on console guess what some of the overall fanbase dies down. Twitch gets less views, owl gets less views and it has negative reprecusions on the game in general so maybe think before you spout garbage yeah.

O my god hahaha just realised your a bronze player acting like an elitist ive played like 10 hours of pc gameplay and have placed in diamond multiple times you my friend are a joke


No it doesnā€™t need love.
Console overwatch was one of my worst gaming experiences.
Leave it die in peace in my opinion.


How about improve it so its no longer a trash experienceā€¦ problems go away if you ignore them i hear. I really enjoy briggette and goats lets keep them.

Never played console myself, never owned one. Reading those ā€œpeopleā€ however who want to deny people on other platforms any kind of fun, simply becauseā€¦ well there is no reasonā€¦ itā€™s pretty embarrassing, actually. So LeLouch didnā€™t like console OW. Guess what? You donā€™t have to play it. I donā€™t. And I donā€™t get angry at other people having fun doing it. NLD is just trying to insult people. Guess what? We all know that itā€™s your own insecurities coming out here. The only argument you bring is that they shouldnā€™t be allowed to play against players on PC, however this issue was never raised, so why bother?


Thank you for your input and sensible assesment of the situation :heart:

you described me to a TEE, EXCEPT i prefer PC, Ive been building pcā€™s for years, but yes i am a trashcan which is why i can tell that you my dear friend that you are the same NLD from the trashcan next door are you not??? ā€¦ why are you even in here this is the console forum ? oh forgot your a trashcan my bad gee.

Back to the issue Blizzard, fix this please. ive been playing your games since blackthorne, rocknroll racing and the lost vikingsā€¦ how about you show some loyalty back to you customers? we are not asking alot just let us have a few more options like the PC counter parts n fix the stuff that your getting regular complaints about.

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I would really like to see these changes aswell
ā€¦and in game text chat

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They claim they donā€™t have enought resources to fix ranked, how would you want them to fix console ow.

Yeah it is trash dude dont ever play it thats right.

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Yep its true that they cant even fix ranked i think in general as overwatch fans we deserve more the dev updates are super slow and often ignore what the community wants.

I will say though the issues on console are far worse than pc which is to be expected as it is the second tier platform but we do not even get feedback or information is insanely frustrating.

I love when console players act like theyā€™re the majority.

tip - youā€™re not.

further tip, you guys werenā€™t in the original plan for blizzard, they didnā€™t intend to release for consoles. Activision wants money. They got your money.

Number one what the hell are you on about acting like console players are the majority are just just willfully ignorant of do you lack mentally. Nobody ever stated we are the majority in fact if you look into the numbers pc has 60 percent of the playerbase of overwatch and xbox and ps4 combined is the other 40 percent.

We are the minirity yes but one it is actually not by a huge margin and two since when should the minority be treated any differently its the same game with the same devs and it is priced the same if you go to the effor of bringing it to consoles you are making a commitment to support it on consoles.

open you profile anonymous coward or close your mouth wonā€™t change the fact that consoles suck for OW.

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Look at your earlier statement and then start keeping your mouth closed kid.

considerable amount
if console people lose interest some of the overall fanbase dies down

neither are correct.

itā€™s enough of a margin that yes, you are second class.
look at all the topics ever opened by console players whether here or us forums. Do you see much if any dev involvement?


Blizz didnā€™t want to support you, they got made to.

Point 1 No company is made to do anything they do not want to they decided to support console as a platform.

Point two 40% of the playerbase is on console that is a considerable amount are you thickā€¦ but yes we would still be second class citizens.

Thirdly as console players are part of the console fanbase if they lose interest the overwatch fanbase in general deteriates. Are you seriously that stupid.

Point 4
Youre a hard stuck platinum :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

You can hate on console all you want and poin out the obvious being that we are the secondary platform but at least give valid reasoning for your hate comments. Also the kid comment implies that you are probably under the age of 18 and this plus the other evidence being that you cant put together an argument that doesnt fall flat on its ass makes me asume you have a high level of immaturity.

Also my profile is public i think. I just havent even done placements in a few seasons. Feel free to add me so the weight of your bronze rank can hang heavier over your head.

If activision tells blizzard jump, they donā€™t even get to say how high, they do.

no, youā€™re below half, not considerable. Typical console scrub thinking others are thick.

you lot have no esports representation, nothing special just for you, and whine about almost everything. You were meant to get separate balancing but clearly you donā€™t get that (torb/sym turrets pretty much donā€™t have differences at this point, pharah changes happened for everybody).

So no, the fanbase doesnā€™t deteroriate, it just gets cleansed of people who wouldnā€™t be there in the first place. Youā€™re a drop in the ocean, not a meaningful amount.

are you seriously this incompetent?

youā€™re a hard stuck bronze? Point being? Further more youā€™re console, that puts you below bronze.

you have 0 valid reasoning for any of your comments and are just raging at blizzard and anyone else.
Youā€™re raging about being called what you are, a kid which tells me i struck a nerve.

you want to actually make an argument kid, rather than raging

At this point im pretty sure you have no idea what the word considerable means. Just as a heads up it doesnt mean majority.

Ive made my arguments try reading also there are so many sources proving that the difference in skill level on console to pc is actually pretty minor. I am always high master gm on console and on pc ive basically only ever played placements and i think my peak is 3100 so your point about console being below bronze is hysterical.

By the way i am calling out ranks as everyone below diamond is simply brain dead there is no considerable need for aim to get to that rank its super easy and the best part is you wouldnt even make it to diamond on console yet you feel you have the right to chat total crap.

Stay plat bud

Pretty sure you have no understanding of how data or games or companies work.

just as a heads up, you will continue to be ignored by blizzard kid

Stay bronze kid, you wouldnā€™t even make that on pc. Pc players would easily make gm on console