Console overwatch needs love

Btw i know we will probably be ignored and all the points made about console not being a priority are completely fair i am simply asking for an improvement on the current situation. I dont expect to get anywhere but you dont get anywhere by not asking.

Pc elitists are hilarious as they are usually trash themselves and players transfering feom console can easily end up better than you will ever be.

Btw i would not be calling out ranks or having personal arguments if we could just have a propper discussion. If you are going to demeen others expect it back.

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If you want i can link you to a topic on the us forums that should show you just how irrelevant you are to the devs.

console scrubs are hilarious for thinking they’re important, even more so when they think i can transfer and do better sure kid pats head

sure you can.

you’ve been doing it from the start, so expect to get dumped on.

Again im aware of our situation and the fact that the devs dont give two f**** but if you want proof of my console argument i can give it to you.

Hamza_zp was a console player 4300 hes moved to pc and is already 4200, flfabio was 4400 on console and has hit 4300 on pc, fankda hit 5000sr on console as a pharah one trick he has 3 accounts in gm, obvious youruber examples like alucard.

And finally what is your career peack sr?

More than enough reading material for you. That topic has had exactly 0 dev responses.

naming people who got carried to ranks they don’t belong in is irrelevant. It’s no different then naming sym players who make their teams work 5x harder just to carry the dead weight.

my profile is open, go see for yourself.

Ok dude aure they all solo que if its that easy why are you not gm.

Also your profile only shows your current sr and im going to give you the benfit of the doubt and say perhapse you are not a hardstuck plat maybe youve hit master at some point.

Ive hit the max posts for today so i will reply to you for the last time through this edit.

Wow that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard. There are rank tiers for a reason you end up where you belong and you dont get 5 gods on your team every game.

You are the typical plat who sucks and simply says they would be a god if they put in enough time its actually too funny. You my friend cant call anyone boosted especially players that play at ranks you can only dream of.

Feel free to continue replying and therefore bumping this thread and getting it more visability.

Solo q doesn’t change the fact there’s 5 other people on the team? Are you dense?

because i play through placements to see where i end up, make sure i get some comp points, and then either do arcade or qp with friends. Occasionally i do comp if they want to. I’m not bothered about hitting top ranks, if i wanted to then i’d make the time to.

people can hit whatever ranks if they put the time or dedication to it, although you kids have to rely on your aim-assist to do anything.

in your case and those on console, you end up in bronze and get carried elsewhere. Reading any of your posts qualify as the dumbest thing ever.

You’re the typical bronze console scrub raging and whining about overwatch and how they should pay more attention to you. No, they shouldn’t. You’re irrelevant second class citizens and will always be that. Deal with it.

feel free to continue being dumb. And as for the max posts for today.

basically you meant it’s past your bedtime

Since aiming is vastly inferior on console, thats why it has aim assists, certain heroes and things get vastly different skill levels and values. The game is of less priority, since there is no billion dollar e-sport scene invested in it etc and the game was not meant to be designed with a controller. This means to go further in the development of console OW, they need to totally seperate the balancing for the platforms. With how slow and little, they put out content/updates, i would really not love to see this “Casual” platform take too much time from the bigger problesm affecting a huge E-sport. But some of the requests are fair, like FOV, though that might not always be a viable option, because of the console etc.

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PC players can’t chance the Fov.

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Yes they can what do you mean? Pc has an fov slider allowing you to go up to 103 console like the origional pc version is locked to 93.

Look at this console scrub talking like he’s important.

Sit down and be quiet boy, blizzard had no interest in console, they were told to by activision for money. They’re a pc brand, that’s pretty clear.

if console ow dies, very little changes except we get faster updates. The only needing to gtfu is scrubs like you. You’re second tier garbage no matter what.

i don’t support kids whining, i also posted a topic on the us forums that was fairly large and got no response whatsoever.

that should tell you the level of importance you hold.


Spoken like a true backwards child, complete with the raging too.

you are nobody, and less than second class. Go sit down and be quiet, you don’t have permission to speak again.

you clearly weren’t born until 8 or 9 years ago, so nice try kid but no. Hush now.

Accept the fact you’re second class that blizzard gives exactly 0 cares for.

It’s rage kid, it’s very clear. You rage hard at being called out and clearly cannot handle being put in your place.

i’m far older than 12, but considering how mad you are, looks like i was right. A squeaky pimple nosed brat trying to pretend they’re older. Cute.

You’re second class for being console, pretty cut and dry. Blizzards made it clear what they think.

you never contributed in the first place other than rage and tears, but then that’s console kids summed up pretty much.

you’re done, sit down, hush boy

I honestly dont know what to think anymore do i laugh at this insufferable moron or do i just feel bad for his family having to facility his autism must be a hefty burdon


Stop bumping this thread up for them, let them die out with their non-supported console bloatware. Blizz just laid off 800 people yesterday surely they will be focusing on console development.

BTW just a note about all those with weird characters in their name like N1tro and easytrap IQfighters over here they are all toxic kids who use names like this so other noobies who might don’t know about TAB autocomplete for chat cannot respond to their messages, what a fail.

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omfg you are a tardy. Another trailer park “console pro” joined the discussion.

IRL probably:

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You’re a perma bronze console kid, hush boy. Maybe someday you’ll learn you’re completely irrelevant.

nobody cares about you or any other console users. It’s why you’re permanently second tier garbage

Eh somebody gotta put the kids in their place, but their raging tear replies just prove the console peasant meme 100% true