Current state of Reaper is absurd

I’m done with the game untill this is reverted. He was already obnoxious but managable, and a good reaper would still do insane damage / pressure to tanks.

Currently I’ve seen players just walk up to people 1v3 and win, because unless you land CC (that he will wraith) or have a sniper you just can’t kill him. Pair him up with a pocketmercy and/or zarya shield and he becomes unkillable. Hold LMB and W and win. Most don’t even wraith to retreat anymore, it’s just an instant reload and continue, because why would you spend time running to a health pack when you can just deal damage and have more HPS then healers can dish out. The only thing right now that counters him is Ana’s nade, as they tend to overextend and rely on their self healing, anything else if he has half a brain he’ll dodge the CC, cancel wraith and truck on.

He is basically the best tank in OW now and I really don’t understand how this even got through “balance” testing. This has been the first patch that I truly disagree.

I can handle getting hit by hanzo logs or sniped from across the map, getting chain cc’d by ana, brig and cree, getting fanned by McRightClicks or oneshot by the 1000th nanoblade since I’m playing. But there is NOTHING remotely enjoyable in playing versus the new Reaper.


I don’t know, you seem like the kind of forum user, that tilted and just randomly spammed a bad topic without even checking if it existed.
And it will be nice if you showed some stats before asking for something.
Other then i don’t like reaper waa.

Ok i have to repeat myself a lot, but i guess thats what happens when you dont fully read the rest of the topics talking about this. But ok here we go.

This is not brig, its a reaper, just get a Pharah, or a Mccree or a Brig + some focus, or a Sombra, Or a dva (Yes a tank) but here this out, with her def matrix (even after the nerf i know) she will make him deal 0 damage and stop healing. The Zarya bubble works in the same way as well, on top of giving the zarya damage.
Maybe get a lucio on the team, it will help the tanks make distance from the reaper on top of that he can push back the reaper on top of that he can push back his ult as well.

How can you in a Masters/Grand master team and not know how to stop an ulting reapre.
1st, gona post some basic abilities that take care of that.
Mccree stun, ana sleep, Brig stun, Roadhog hook, Lucio boop, def matrix (same duration as a reaper ult), Rine shield(i know right, how can a tank be good vs reaper). Ashe/Pharah/Brig push back, ana nade will stop him from healing or force his cd, Doomfist charging his punch for 0.1 sec will CC reaper as well… etc etc
Ok now ill list ult that trade = or > for a reapers ult.
Rine shatter, Zarya grav, Sound wave, Trance, Sombras EMP, Hog ult will push him(and if his close the push will be really fast), Winston push even sym ult.

really? i just dont find that to be the case at all. Since reaper ult is a well known meme that gets interrupted by everything, and this patch didn’t change that.

I love how it was ok that tanks/support only teams are meta for the 5th time, and every time they are meta no one picked reaper or hog, but now that they buffed him a little its to much? Yeah no.


Woah… wait… You’re diamond/master and can’t work out how to counter a reaper?

There is hope for us all.


LOL what? You should stop there.

Welcome to the Overwatch community! :joy:

You can’t complain about reaper when right click mccree is back in town.

good bye.

I mean, what else is there to say right? Reaper is finally useful for 95% of the community (Diamond and below) and you want to leave? I guess good bye is all that needs to be said.

Reaper’s ult is one of the most useless ults in the game STILL!
unless you play the lurker style of play, getting kills with it impossible, Brigitte stun, McCree stun and all that stops it instantly. His teleport is still in the game, it needs replacing.

You will not be missed

Look on the bright side: in the Retribution event Reyes will turn the pain and agony of Legendary into “gg ez” mode.

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I prefer right click mccree over than reaper in general

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If Blizzard can ignore how bad Mercy is, they can absolutely ignore Reaper being unkillable.

On the bright side maybe people will realise that pros know absolutely nothing about game balance, since they were claiming it would be totally fine.


I agree, last night I joined an ongoing game and was met with a Reaper spawn camping. Every game I’ve had has had a reaper flanking, which was annoying since no one was used to this and just let him kill everyone.

But I’d still like to play the game, so I found out how I could counter him. Ana nade counters him well, since he won’t be able to heal, also McCree.

But you have to trust your team to follow up. I’m in a lower rank, and let’s just say Reaper is now suddenly very effective. Not everyone notices him flanking, and they’re finding him hard to deal with.

Reaper become more dangerous at close range. That is what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to be bane of tank unkillable at close ranges. When he finally got fixed what we get? People crying over that Reaper in enemy team is no longer GG EZ even though he can only heal 56 hp more per second if he has godlike aim. In most game it will be like … idk lets say avarage he land about 66% of his dmg no headshot on lower leagues so he heals 21 hp more per sec.

Yeah in the pro scene they are right, don’t think they care much for master/diamond or below. Not that I think they should if they so badly want to make it an E-sport, even though i find it still boring too watch.

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No, there is no way that a character was ever designed to be “unkillable” in any situation. Even Mei’s iceblock, which renders a character totally invincicble, is coupled with the risk that you allow the team to gather and kill you due to her weakness against group attacks.

Reaper’s wraith form also makes him invincible and faster which means he can close a gap. There is such little risk with reaper now moving right up to a tank and shooting them. His damage was buffed to make it more consistently deadly and his life steal keeps him alive thanks to the 50% buff.

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By unkillable I meant hard to kill. Also notice that now Reaper is tempting choice instead McCree and his OP flashbang.

I mean, unkillable isn’t that far from the truth, but you’re right he is much harder to kill - That still doesn’t mean it’s fair to push reaper this far beyond the normal survive rate of other heroes in his bracket. You might as well give Mcree 300 health and a healing ability.

And of course you’ll notice more Reaper more than Mcree, everyone knows how to exploit over powered “balancing”.

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Reaper was week before, now he is strong…but that’s it. It is hard to balance the characters, so they fit everywhere from Gold to GM.

If Symmetra would not have killed the whole team in lower ranks, they would have never reworked her. In GM nobody picked her, bc she was dead as f*** within seconds.

Theoretically Blizz would need to have different hero states for different SR, but then it gets really crazy :wink:

I couldn’t agree with OP more! He’s absolutely unkillable and will finish tanks alone too. The buff was absolutely not needed and it’s very irritating playing against him these days.