System Designer Gavin Winter takes over the Director’s Take to share new updates coming to gameplay and Competitive in Season 12.
I do like the increase of avoiding players. But I don’t feel 15 is enough.
15 players is what i run into in about 25-30 games, at the start of each daily gaming session in the current state of the game.
When are these devs gonna realize that there’s a reason why we want to avoid not bad players but throwers/afk’ers etc? We don’t want to keep getting them on our teams, because they ruin our experience…
I also wish they’d make it harder to make new accounts, because that system is at the root of every single issue with the game, from derankers, smurfs and cheaters. There’s no real penalties for getting banned in this game for those people as they can just get a new phone number and make a new account.
Some even have multiple phone numbers ready for it…
There are so many things wrong with both the way this game is being managed and other stuff that’s wrong with it, i could make a freaking 300 page book just writing about it…
I want to see how bad your games are… I doubt I avoid more than about 2 players in a week.
Yeah you get people throwing (had one last night that just got hard carried by a bunch of randos instead, they weren’t pleased), and all that jazz. But if you avoid them for a game or 2, you’ll never see them again. People like that tend not to win many games.
It certainly wouldn’t do them any harm. That being said, it is already a pain to have a new account, then spend up to 10 hours levelling it just to actually play the game. Most of the people wanting to do the scummier things you describe will just buy pre-levelled accounts. So making it harder to start new ones won’t do a lot.
Maybe have it so if it notices you change location, it should require you to reverify the phone number attached to the account. That would kill a lot of the account trading market.
It isn’t very hard to have access to multiple numbers. Your own, partners, parents, siblings, housemates, work phones… not exactly difficult to have access to another number for a one off verification.
I’d read it. Just out of curiosity to see what you don’t like.
This is objectively wrong.
You’re ‘less likely’ to see them again, but not ‘never’. I’ve avoided lots of players i’ve had show up on my team later on, still throwing their games.
It depends on what rank you are and when you play. I play at odd hours due to my schedule, but i also play a lot during peak hours.
I’m stuck in low elo because of how many throwers i get on my team, which i’m sure you’re gonna counter with the overused moot argument and excuse of ‘git gud and you’ll climb’.
Let me just add some context here.
I typically play Scrims the most, in a higher elo than my comp rank suggest, which is Silver 1 on DPS. I typically scrim against high gold-high plat and have no problem winning those scrims, but when you play QP or Ranked with randoms on your team, it’s impossible to win when you have people throwing by feeding, afk’ing or sightseeing, because 1: Nobody communicates. 2: In Silver you get fresh players off their 50QP wins but still doesn’t know what’s what. 3: You get cheaters or smurfs on the enemy team more often than not in that elo.
You may think that you can just ‘git gud’ and climb but it’s far more complex than that, because it’s a team based game and you need to actually win to climb.
With that out of the way:
Yes, and the account trading business is booming in Overwatch 2.
Besides that, no, it’s not really hard to get 50QP wins. Most QP matches are fast.
A lot of people doing the ‘scummier’ things don’t all buy accounts. In fact the majority use fresh accounts.
If you watch all the cheater vods etc out there, the majority are fresh accounts with the default skins.
Most people who buy accounts do it to avoid having to climb themselves. Kind of like how many also buy boosting services where the booster is a t500 on a smurf account using cheats to make sure they get the job done.
They have plenty of ways to detect account changes etc as well as location changes, but the thing that makes it hard to do anything about it is the use of VPN, as a lot of people use VPN to hide their traces. They need to start by banning VPN and take it from there.
That was kind of my point. It’s too easy to make new accounts.
Mostly evenings, sometimes weird times when I am bored and every rank from gold to Master depending on role/mode.
I agree, it is more complex than simply get good… but if you keep improving you will climb. A lot of people look very short term.
They will have 1 or 2 bad games and think the whole world is conspiring against them. When in reality progress and climbing is measured over many seasons (especially if you are starting from a modest/low base point). This scuffed elements like players doing the things you describe are only bumps in the road, and not something that will stop you long term.
Not sure I’d say booming, but it certainly is “doing well”.
Definitely not hard. Just boring and time consuming (the boring bit might just be a me thing, I find quick play a bit tedious).
I don’t doubt this. But the biggest section of cheating isn’t the people using hacks. It is ximmers on console, people deranking accounts, people boosting accounts. Most of these will have a lot stuff unlocked because they don’t get actioned as often as they should.
100%. Quite funny there is a guy who constantly brags about how much boosting he does and how much money he makes on the US forums… and nothing happens to them. Even if it is just hot air and he’s not doing it, I’d just shut his account down anyways.
But if I had any power on that, I would rule with much more of an iron fist.
VPNs would make it tricky. I wouldn’t want to ban people using VPNs, but there should be something logical in place. Account spends 10 hours at the beginning in China, then suddenly logs in in Phoenix, AZ. pause the account.
Too make, maybe. But new accounts in themselves aren’t problematic. It is the player that is the problem. So you need to find ways to curb the behaviour, not the creation of accounts.