Does Overwatch support Toxic players? Yes....[Kinda]

English isnt my first language so please pardon any of my mistakes.

Maybe not exactly support but they give players the tools to do so without punishing them.

Its nice and all that they sometimes mute someone but it doesnt work.
People are still going to be toxic because if they get caught the worst what can happen to them is 7 day mute.
And that is simply not enough. Do devs. really think 7 day mute will stop someone from being toxic in text chat/voice chat? I hope they dont because that would be foolish opinion.

Just a few minutes ago I had some games in competitive mode, and these games were one of the WORST experiences I have EVER had in my life.
From the start everything was fine but then after I die everyone from the enemy team started to Tbag me, which of course isnt that big deal but this was only the start of the Toxic behavior.

After that they started to text thinks like: (Ohhh dont even try if you are bad)
(Please you really needed to use Ult to kill me?)
(Go back to what you played before you are trash at this hero)

And more messages like that. Which would be fine if it was once or twice, but whole competitive match [around 25 minutes] from all six members of the enemy team??!!! Im just and average OW player [If you need to know my rank its Gold] that wants to enjoy this game but lately its really impossible.

You can try and tell me to ignore them but thats not the solution to the problem. Players are just not afraid to be toxic because they know there will be no consequences. After those matches I just sat there and thought to my self: ,Is it even worth it to play game like this when I have NO enjoyment out of it?,
The answer is simply ,NO, there is no point to play a game if you dont enjoy it.
And Im certian that Im not the first to think of this.

Even if I play a Quick play match even there players are really toxic for no reason.
If this will go on Overwatch as a game WILL die, because who would like to play a game where you just get scream at. And this was only about the toxicity from enemy team, there is even MORE problems with toxicity in your own team.

I love this game but recently I feel sad to the point of crying and yes, you can say Im a little baby for that but it doesnt change the fact that it isnt right to happen to me even when I didnt do anything.

This needs to be fixed NOW. They need to change their policies at punishing players. Mute is just not enough anymore, there needs to be worst punishment for toxic players.
Ban from playing competitive mode EVER again. For example.

TLDR: Blizzard needs to change their policies for punishing toxic players otherwise the game will eventually die because of this.


Punishments should be stronger, or at least actioned quicker.

But the bans to escalate. From 7 day suspensions, to 1 month suspensions. All the way to account closure. (My friend has had 2 accounts closed for toxicity, so the system does get them eventually).

Sadly, Blizzard can’t control people and ultimately the problem isn’t Blizzards… The problem is the angry keyboard warrior who is usually just trying to impress their mates (notice how many of the really toxic players are in stacks…).

Also, you have to remember how many reports they get. Most of which are false. So they have to sift through a lot of nonsense before action can be taken.


Toxicity sucks. I agree; yet, this is a competitive game and toxicity will never fully disappear regardless of the punishment players get. In my opinion, OW is not too toxic of a game… There are far worse games out there. On average the OW community is actually pretty decent, given that the competitive nature of this game lies within teamplay, which forces some aspect of cooperation.

So all in all I disagree with this post. Toxicity isn’t a huge problem in OW. Yes there is some toxicity but you gotta just look the other way sometimes… Within due time the toxic players get banned.

Also if a video game has resulted in one of the worst experiences in your life… well then you have been very lucky in life and take a break from the game maybe. I mean; it is a video game.

Hey here is a solution for you, it is fool´s proof -> mute and block them and do not worry about it. Instead of obsessing about people being “mean” towards you on the internet and how they need to get punished. I promise you will sleep easier if you are less offended by everything and just use the functions blessed upon you since the intervention of online gaming.

Overwatch has the most toxic fan base I have ever seen in my life. Immature, ignorant, and rude players everywhere who like to throw games for fun because they are bored. I’m sick of this game and the people who think it’s funny to screw around and make this game pointless to play. Call of Duty’s fan base is a convent full of nuns compared to the awful behavior these players take part in. There needs to be more accountability in this game that’s all I can say. Players should be able to avoid more than 3 players who have been toxic. The reporting system needs to actually mean something instead of acting like a warning system.


i think people do get perma muted if they have prior strikes and so on, but there is a silent agreement that people will turn a blind eye to it because they want to behave like that aswell and go unpunished.

and not only that, this game have the most rabid fanbases i’ve ever seen in regards to being open to paying to get a new account if the old one gets banned or perma muted etc.
which makes the whole punishment thing not a real thing in the eyes of these people who consistently are very toxic.

so really it’s not that it doesn’t punish them, it’s just that the community is by in large trash with a wallet and they are incentivized to buy more accounts which makes blizzard more money.

it’s just really odd how that turned out.
most games would have died out by now because of a situation like this but the fanbase is so rabid about it that it actually sustains it no matter what kind of state it’s in.

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I went into my options and perma-muted team and match chat. Absolutely no one ever says anything worth your time in them. (You’ll still get notifications and call out pings in there, but otherwise it’s blissful silence.)

What’s the best anyone is going to get out of orange chat, seriously? Its just inviting trash talk. Some people love that kind of thing, but it’s not for me, I like to just focus on the game.

Edit: OP I’m sorry you had that experience, some people just seem to lack all empathy.

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Since that scandal at blizz hq and when the president stepped down, this game in eu region has no moderation at all, it’s very common to see the worst kind of human trash now since no one is punishing them. They are literally in every match I play just to confirm your point. Yes, you are right!

Please… I got suspended for 1 month for being “toxic”. People get suspended or muted for the simplest things. So no, they don’t support “Toxic” players.