Don't you just love it when

Enemy players are starting to rage that much during QP that they start to view your profile and call you a silver, ignoring my actual first placement this season and first time ever placement 2345 thus gold, as I’ve only played this game for 3 weeks now.

And end up losing the match.

Good job, you got beaten by a newbie silver with a superior aim.
I guess SR indeed does mean nothing at all.

They even thought gold was low, yet they lost to this silver
That got a play of the game making 3 kills with 4 shots as Mc’cree.
Aimed critical shots for the win!
Sweet delicious irony.

Yes I love it. Because I just mute them and play the game for fun

Season high doesn’t mean anything, you could have gotten lucky.

Don’t let them bother you ! Just play your game !:slight_smile:

You should always end a rant with /rant

So that we can see when you’re actually going to say something

A TL:DR would also suffice

Comically contradicting their mockery of me being low, while they lost to me. Is just pure delicious irony and not a rant.

This community has more toxicity than call of duty, which is impressive. For years I’ve thought call of duty was the most rotten community online, but Overwatch didn’t only do good in sales but also in achieving the new most toxic community status which is impressive in some way.

your comment validates that claim.

My steam profile has over 30 pages of raging call of duty black ops 2 players leaving a comment.

It’s a shame Battlenet doesn’t have any comment options for profiles, could use the entertainment.

I know that I’m preaching to the choir here but shouldn’t you make the fact that you’re a troll a little less obvious.

Dont you
just love it
when people
force you
to click
on something
in order
to read it.
By the way
Its agents the
Code of conduct
to name topics
in such a way.

I just find it funny when I see people talking trash in qp then see they have private proviles lul

Oh the irony