Double adjusting for almost all players with wrong rewards and no top 500 icon

Ok, S2 begins with long queue times, broken Hanzo, weird Genji and double rank adjustments.

I was top 300 OQ. Didn’t get the icon, only the title. My guess is that this is being fixed. Ended up in D5 which is fine.

But I see found something strange. Why do I see my rank, before placement games? Why did the game adjust it twice? For example, I am a really bad DPS. I was gold 2 at the end of the season, with gold 2 being my season high. Now you decide to calculate some least common multiple and derank me to gold 3 (which is not fine). And after that calculation you decide to adjust me again for the new season, placing me in silver 3 (which is fine and always has been like that)?
I can live with that, but let’s say a player just got into plat. Bad luck strikes. Maybe someone is AFK or trolling or w/e at the end of the season. So this plat 5 dude, goes 2-16 and decides to stop before the season ends and try his luck on placement games. You adjust him to gold 2, he doesn’t receive his plat reward, and then you adjust him again and he ends up in silver 2-4. Good luck with the grind, little dude.
There is something wrong, I don’t know what. Check it out.

P.S. Send me my top 500 icon so I can sleep in peace.