Dps healers and dps tanks

just wondering is it bannable to que as a tank or healer but then in game only play as a dps?
i see it so often in comp. people dont want to wait in que to play dps so they join as a healer but still only dps

No, but it should be.

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they should have a role ban if u dont play your role the right way

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So if you get gold damage and kills as Hog or Zarya you would be banned?

It is. It’s called gameplay sabotage.

If someone picks moira or ana and never heals others… That person will be repored for gameplay sabotage. Same for tanks that never uses shield or just rushing in the enemy team and insta dying

Now of course you can only do DPS, this is not a reportable offense no.

Though if you specifically say that you won’t heal, or just won’t heal because you want to throw then it’s against the Code of Conduct.

Technically being a DPS Support/Tank is not directly reportable.
Kinda should be like that, though it isn’t a punishable offense.