Everyone got DC'd and lost 50 SR

When I say everyone, I mean everyone, I’ve confirmed it with other players.

We were playing Kings Row on second round, with about one minute left everyone froze in place and we were all disconnected and booted to the main menu.

Pushing the “Rejoin match” button did nothing for about 25 seconds until it said “Game found” at the top of the screen.

Followed by a message in the chat box [Failed to connect to server] in red.



now i start comp game and see only black screen and failed con to server but main chat work …people write same thing to chat … I exit Ow and start again i lost some SR and have time ban…i hope dont will have ban in comp matches :smiley:

can confirm. just happened to me, got suspended for 10 minutes and -50SR.
still had it after restarting game.

Got error connection to server while searching a comp game. Twice. -100 SR overall. Blizzard, bring my 100 SR back please…

Same here, lost 100SR.

Same here lost 100 sr points, too.

Same here -50 SR lost

with my second game today If got, a 10 min ban and lost 50 sr ( can’t even join the game) and with my fourth game again, 50 sr gone and 30 min ban

Same here, went in to find a game and lost connection to the server, -50SR + ban

Hey all,

We are looking into this at the moment. To help out, please provide the requested information in this thread. I’m locking this thread here now, but please do post in the linked thread to help out with the investigation.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!