now when you lose (no matter how hard you try) you’ll lose ranked points… so if you got so unlucky and got a feeder and a bad support… GG and bb points…
blizzard, for the love of god make ranked more about personal achievements (and find a way to get points for teamwork) this way ranks will actualy mean something other then you getting lucky with the matchmaker!
now most people are stuck in some kind of MM hell (like i’m stuck in bronze and can’t get out because of the damn teams it keeps matching me with!)
fix the crap ranked is ATM and see people comming back to this game instead of putting it on hold because of losing streaks or infuriating bad team members (on that note also increase the block list!)
as above , ranked system sucks as it is , you get penalised for other players that leave or dont try , yes its a team game but when 2 or 3 are genuinly trying and the other half dont its not fair the 3 that do get punished , system sucks .
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also just had 2! friggin ragequiters (within 2 minuits) enemy team refused to friggin cap…
realy great rank you have going on blizzard… realy, tip-top… you deserve a medal for screwing that up this bad!
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why does every person in bronze say they are stuck in bronze? work hard and learn to play. the first reason you are in bronze is because you blame your team mates for your loss and bad play. I’m really tired of you people complaining in all chat that the team sucks.
I started at 500 RP in ranked because I sucked very bad and in 6 months I got gold. Just work hard and stop whining.
Are you sure? There is a problem with the servers atm, I got disconnected like 6-7 times during a competitive game (and sent directly to main menu) about 10 mins ago, and my internet is perfectly working and i never get this kind of issues. And each time I tried to get back in the game it said : Failed to connect to server.
1 quit (we where losing) then the other quit about a minuit later.
1 got backfilled and quit again.
but yeah, servers realy suck… blizzard like to punish people who have done nothing wrong and slap those who do on the wrist and get it over with -_-
im tired of people like you saying stupid things like you have , if you are in a team of 6 and 1 leaves your down 1 straight away and you can guarantee when its safe to do so at leat 2 others will leave , this alone blows a big hole in youyr theory because leavers are more and more because there is no real strict punishment .
point number 2 – you also get people that start to cry if someone else pick their beloved genji or hanzo , they then proceed to pick mei still and ice wall people in , yeah this crap still happens , and other crap so your theory is total cow crap the way things are and have been for a while now .
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The only factor which is consistent in every game is yourself. Tired of hearing how this stuff only happens on people’s own team - you never seen a leaver on the enemy team? It balances out and your inability to rise is down to you.
Work at your game and stay positive if you want to get higher.
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is a team game … there is no place for solo players (10S - here my game is over) my diamond game always looks the same from S6 (ontrickpony in team, dps no aim, drop to 2800 again with diamond and again 2800 (7 out of 10 s$%^ team). Sometimes 60% games I trolled I still jumped on a diamond
nice reading between the lines troll…
why does every person in bronze say they are stuck in bronze? work hard and learn to play. t
6 years later. rofl you farming up your post points?