Fix to Role Queue

guys, you still try to argue with a concrete head who is unsusceptible to any sort of argument. He’s gonna reiterate on his usual talking points regardless of what you throw at him. Just stop and report for trolling.

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Report you for trolling, considering you refuse to accede to evidence, don’t play the game anymore and still demand changes, then demand forum people flag people because you can’t handle facts.

yeah you need a perma-ban

You got owned. Suck it. :slight_smile:

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way to go for a successful business, “owning” broad masses of your customers. We’ll see how it goes for Blizzard.

Yea, customers who abuse their products and make other people miserable. Wouldn’t want to lose those. :slight_smile:

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I’m sure those will remember, when buying new games with a blizzard logo on them.

You’re still not important. Why haven’t you gone over to some other shooter already? Overwatch was always about compromising with your team. The community failed and now here we are. Maybe Paladins is more to your liking, since it’s a trashy game where everyone just runs around doing nothing?


do you feel like you are more important?

The kind of player that I am is more important than the kind of player you are, that’s for sure.


oh yeah there we go. An entitled self-important btch.

I thought this whole topic was about your self entitlement…

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learn reading, its not my thread.

Learn what the word “topic” means then, if we’re stooping this low. We have our own topic that isn’t specifically related to the thread’s initial post.

You are a crying kid that don’t want to comprimise. Play QPC or some other game. Like I said at the beginning: The game is better than ever.

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I call it bs. How is it better? Last time I played I havent won more games, yet I got 10 min. queues for no return in quality whatsoever. The same steamrolls, the same one sided stomps, trolls, solo players, mute/deaf players, empty voice channels, tanks not tanking, healers not healing etc. are still reality, just like before. BUT I have to wait 10 times as long for a match.


Since my teammates actually seem to try nowadays I’ve been able to carry more games than ever. My Moira winrate is around 80% and my Baptiste is somewhere around 70%. I feel like you are just a pretty bad player that doesn’t want to admit your own limitations. Before you could just switch your role and claim you were never responsible for the tanking/supporting/dps:ing or whatever. The truth hurts when you suck.

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This has nothing to do with the rq.
Ridiculously high winrate only means that you play below your rank, maybe because you suck with other supports too much and drop in rank. You’re silver, there is plenty room above you, keep playing moira and your winrate is going to drop when you reach “your” rank.

Yes, my lvl 40 account is my main. :slight_smile:

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ok whatever, pretty irrelevant. 80% winrate and playing below your rank also applies to insecure cowards who can’t stand for their own opinion on their mains.

Still, it means people are not as uncooperative and useless as you think they are. There is a limit to how much you can hard-carry as a support.

you’re moving goalposts. I never claimed they always are, thats why I never felt the need for 2-2-2. Lost very little matches which I would have attributed to lack of tanks or too many DPS and even then people normally swapped accordingly if it was obvious and got communicated properly.
My point was that rq did not remedy any of the real issues the comp suffers from.

4-1-1 wasnt one of them. 2 tanks and 2 supports easily lose against 5 competent DPS trashing them into oblivion. 5 incompetent DPS also lose against 4 competent DPS and 2 supports. role layout really does not matter that much, all it boils down to is the overall competency of a team and who counters best/quickest in crucial moments. All that is gone with fixed bs they implemented in the current version of the game. Now we sit there in standarized 2-2-2 and yet we don’t win more games, we still are plagued by the same old issues and get roflstomped sometimes due to incompetence of the team we got thrown into. BUT we have to wait lot longer for that same experience.