Fix to Role Queue

Well, I play solo, so the scenario you just painted doesn’t apply to me, therefore role Q obviously affects me. The 10 minute queues along with insta-match cancellations ruins the flow and fluidity of the the game. You can’t argue that it’s dumb that they still cancel games instead of finding a fill.

Anyway role q is here to stay so whatever, everyone has their own views on it. I doubt it’s going anywhere so long queues & insta-match cancellations is the way it’ll be.

If you play solo, and are a tank main then you’re going tank yes? Ergo you don’t see a 10 min queue.

instamatch cancels haven’t changed from pre-roleq, so that’s utterly irrelevant.

if you’re queueing as a dps, then as i’ve said before you’re not really a tank main (specially not based on your profile numbers), and you live with the dps queue times like the rest of them.

you have ways to deal with the queue times, more coming up.

i have 0 sympathy for any dps queue

As much as you hate RQ it has to be nice not seeing 6 DPS on a team

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never been the case. This myth is being spread over and over again by trolls, even 5 or 4 DPS havent been normality (in gold at least).

Before role queue 20% of my games were 6 dps (cause i locked DPS out of spite for an uncooperative team)

60% was 5 dps with me on tank or healer 10% was 4 dps where i had a healer or tank to alternate with and 10% were stable fun 2-2-2

Just because it never happend to you doesnt mean its a myth… get of your high horse roll queue is here to stay and if you dont like it stop playing its that simple

P.s when dive was meta… none of the heros i enjoyed playing fit into it… and were an active detriment to my team… and because i could no longer have fun on my terms i stopped playing during that meta… so i practice what i preach just fyi


ok flagging for abuse

Do you have any evidence for your claim? Don’t think so

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4/5DPS is very common going by the sheer amount of people mentioning it when 222 was brought up in the forums

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make sure you post/report with all your smurf accounts together.

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I like to talk about Overwatch with anyone. But that was probably my last reply to him about role q since we just don’t see to see things the same so there’s no point arguing over it. Sometimes it’s better to just agree to disagree on things and move on.

Apparently you’re still too r3tarded to realise two different people.

don’t worry, nobody’ll miss you

Two separate people != smurfs, but hey enjoy double the reports