Free Weekends need to stop

Free weekends are the most toxic thing that can happen against getting new players in. Low level lobbies are flooded with wanna-be Masters making new accounts and making the game a living hell for actual new players.

Not only that, I’m genuinely curious if after 5 years there’s actually somebody out there who can afford Overwatch but isn’t quite sure if it’s worth the money. Free Weekends for Call of Duty immediately after Warzone launch was a thing but free weekend for Overwatch just doesn’t work. These past 2 weeks, quickplay was flooded with lvl 10-20 players who ruin the game with their genji one-tricks and are even more toxic since it’s a throwaway account.

Please stop free-weekends.


I am struggling to see why the free weekend is the problem.

They can’t do ranked, they have to pay to upgrade to do it. So they will only be playing quick play.

It is a pretty good way to get new players to download the game and give it a shot.

And most importantly, your issues are with people, not the free game. These people would act like tools no matter what account they were on…

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The purpose of the Free Weekend is to get new players in right? How is the game enjoyable if you’re still figuring out the controls and skills while a team of 2501 “plats” spawn-camps you? I’m not talking about ranked, the problem is the quick-play experience. It’s not a good one. However it does kind of reflect the state of the game overall, ngl.


If you are still figuring out the controls the, your MMR will be very low. You might get the odd better player as the system trys to figure out your place.

The answer is just push through and play more.

The state of the game is fine. Quick play is an outlier because it just doesn’t matter. Until they give you the full match and punish leavers a little stronger, then there will always be people who don’t give a monkeys about it.

Perhaps I did not make myself clear enough: High level players making new accounts during Free Weekend ruin the experience for actual new players making a new account, therefore defeating the purpose of holding a free weekend.

There is no “push-through”, they will log in, play for a few hours and then decide whether to buy the game or not. Since they have not made a financial commitment, they won’t tolerate the toxicity nor would they understand that Quick Play is different than Ranked or etc. Free Weekend does not accomplish its intended goal and makes the game toxic for the existing player base by ruining quick-play even further. A lot of people don’t play ranked because the experience is incredibly toxic, and as casual as quick-play is, these “smurf” players make it worse for everyone, new and existing.


You’re still level 628 after 5 years, no one is destroying your games. It just happens that you only play during free weekends.

First, level 628 means I have a couple of hundred hours sunk into the game and I have a legitimate ground to make my complaint as an established player.

Second, it is true that I play more during events than outside of them.

Third, I don’t play “only during free weekends”, that assumption is incorrect.

I also play a lot of custom games and that doesn’t get me experience points. I believe I have as many hours in custom games as I do outside of it (therefore my level would be 2x as high if counted on a per hour basis).

Finally, your comment is just a personal attack with no contribution to the topic at hand. Please restate your argument.

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If the game browser takes up most of your playtime, why are you complaining about QP?

Talking with you is like talking to a wall. You’re trying to invalidate my argument through personal attacks. Come back when you have something to say that’s relevant to the original statement or one of the follow-ups. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, I suggest reading up on the topic of “fallacies” and try to identify which ones you’re committing. I’ll give you a hint to the first one: It’s called ad hominem.

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You claim that free weekend accounts ruin your QP experience.
You also claim that you play game browser way more than QP.
You also claim that you don’t play OW that much outside of events time.
Sounds to me like you want Blizzard to tailor things according to your time schedule when you aren’t playing the game for real anyways.

Again, ad hominem. Although what you say is true to some degree, it is irrelevant and it doesn’t refute the original statement that Free Weekends are plagued with smurf accounts which defeat the purpose of getting new people to like the game.

You’re arguing my legitimacy to make a complaint, and although I’m “only level 628”, as an existing player it’s enough grounds to make a complaint. I have played the game enough to see the difference between Free Weekend and regular queue times. But again, this is irrelevant to the actual topic.


New players shouldn’t have their hands held like children. After all, playing against better players is the only way to improve.

I will also add… if you are not playing ranked. Then you can’t expect the games to be perfectly balanced everytime.

The match maker for QP and arcade/workshop modes is set to be much wider, so that your get games quickly. And that backfill can pick people up really quickly too.

And because of that, you have to lower your expectations.

These are just chill, vibe out, modes. Don’t worry about what is going on time.

First and foremost, Free Weekends is a business decision for the purpose of selling more copies of the game. Overwatch is a product and Free Weekends is a marketing campaign. “Making players better at the game” is not in the debrief of this campaign. Selling more copies of the game is.

Now we can talk about what is an enjoyable experience. That is a fairly broad category and some people might enjoy being challenged while others prefer quick wins. Overwatch can’t cater to everyone but the more the better. Now, when there is a factor such as “Smurf players dunking on new players in QP lobbies”, that narrows down the enjoyable experience to a smaller category of players.


Why do you care about new players so much anyways? Are you mad because you get rolled by smurfs and you use new players as a mask? You yourself said that you don’t play much, why would you care about the community of a game you don’t play often?

Ad hominem again. This conversation is irrelevant to the original topic.

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Nah, you just don’t want to answer because you’re cornered dude.

Arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. In the end, you will knock all the pieces over and walk over the board as if you’ve won, without ever understanding the original purpose. I suggest staying on topic next time you try to have an argument with someone and not derailing it with personal attacks. My motives, my profile and my gaming history is not relevant to the original statement. I have nothing else to say to you unless you bring something constructive to the conversation.

He is deviating from the subject slightly… But he has a point. Most of this is nonsense.

You say it puts off new players… But you are not a new player. How many new players have you surveyed to ascertain if this is actually the case.

Good question. It’s limited to 4 of my friends who I convinced to try out the game and the fact that there were obviously stronger players than them in the lobby prompted them to mention it. We played a few games together and they also played without me.

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