Funniest sight in Overwatch?

Apart from Roadhogs that forget to check their ammo before a hook… Or mercy players…

The funniest thing for me is seeing that one toxic troll, who spent his entire time harassing and abusing getting banned. Glorious sight.

ball slamming off the map after being booped, or using any movement ability into a minefield/pulsebomb then blowing up

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As a Ball player… That is the most annoying thing lol.

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people who don’t know how to use winstons primal effectively, it’s just funny to watch.


when they just jump in randomly and use shield lol xd

not even that sometimes, they just punt random enemies around.
it’s like “hey you have a slap, and you have a slap and you have a slap”
meanwhile they are also jumping into every geometry getting stuck everywhere not getting to who they want to slap around too.

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not sure wolf would understand. He just plays Hog.

Hog players in low ranks. That is another one that makes me laugh. Like come on, he is a little busted in OW1 atm… why can’t you win more…

I really only play him on a special 3rd account that is more for trolling about on. It is literally harder to lose in silver playing Hog. I have a 70% win rate on him on that account, and I am basically afk most matches.

I should also explain the Mercy part of mine…
That came from the other night, I was laughing my rear off as the Mercy in our team was crying about their not being enough damage. Like, just swap to Bap or Zen if you want more damage. Or just blue beam.

Anyone rage quitting after getting punched to death by a mercy. (Enemy widow wasn’t very good and i kept killing her)

Also, an enemy player being afk after being rezzed.

And honestly. Any mercy after diving in to heal a teammate and ending up all alone, trying to hop to safety. This happens to me too sometimes and i hope the enemy team gets a good laugh put of it.

Bastions who post up stupidly deep into enemy grounds, usually for some cheeky flank, only to get lit up, then act shocked on mic abour their plan backfiring.

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