Game is constantly crashing since the new update

Since a few days ago, Overwatch has randomly crashed on me over 10 times. I crashed 6 times today, all with a similar error such as:

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading from 0xffffffffffffffff

I have disabled my anti virus, updated my drivers, repaired overwatch from the battle net client, ran windows memory diagnostic and yet I’m still crashing a ridiculous amount of times.

Any insight into why this is happening would be appreciated.

Hi, FastEddie97! o/

Any access violation error means that when the game tries to access a memory address (this could be in your GPU), the access to this is denied.

This usually happens because of an outdated GPU driver or Operating System, so try and check if there are any pending Windows Updates, since you already checked drivers. Make sure to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter, just in case, too.

Hi, thanks for the response.

I checked and I’m on the latest version of windows already. Crashed again today after playing for maybe 5 minutes. Nothing in the windows event viewer, and again, the same access violation with no meaningful debug info in the log.

I’ve linked the latest log if you wouldn’t mind having a look, maybe you can see something I haven’t.

https:// pastebin .com/yKrU4aKb

Hi again! o/

I don’t see much in that report, unfortunately. I see your GPU though, and I’m thinking it may be the default overclocking that sometimes comes with these cards, but not sure. Try this:
-Right click on your desktop
-Nvidia Control Panel
-Debug mode

Activate that option. If it’s not there, then it means I’m wrong and that’s not the issue.

If that doesn’t work, or there’s no such option, let’s have a look at some system files and see what they show us. Once you generate them, copy the result in pastebin as you just did with that log.

For me it’s

Tried that option and it’s not workling.
Won 3 ranked games in a row before update with no problems.
Qued after update, instant crash upon entering both QP and Ranked mode.
Practice range and arcade won’t work too <3

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My system hasn’t changed since before the update when Overwatch still worked with no issue. Stop it already.

Bumb, exactly same problem as Zepars

Checked every updatable thing I could and repaired game files, the game crashed 3 times after entering any kind of gamemode.

This is not hardware, nor software. It’s the update. This issue started popping up a bunch for quite a few people literally seconds after update. I hope for an early fix…

I was playing minutes before the update with no problems, now the game crashes on the Entering Game start up screen every time,
error message: 41F76BE3-4BAF-47EC-9488-14215B7B40DA


Same issue here. Was playing for 3 hours before the update. Now the game crashes every single time on character select after updating.

I found a quick fix, I had my language pack set to Korean, I set it back to English and now it works fine.

Yeah, setting back to ENG Sound pack fixed for me as well. Thanks lou :slight_smile:

Wow that actually works. I had my game set to Japanese. That’s ridiculous!

It’s not ridiculous, that’s anti weeb or even racist : c

wow, spent all that time trying to figure out the problem turns out that was it lol. thank you for sharing with others!