Genji seems seriously OP in proletariat ratings

This is coming from a guy who believes the game is somewhat balanced and never/rarely claims anyone is OP. But yea recently Genji is in every game and dominates.

I don’t know what they have done to Genji but in gold/plat tier he completely dominates and it just isn’t that much fun. He may be balanced in GM and above though; I can only speak of my experience as a rated commoner/proletariat.

Discuss away.


Genji has 58% winrate in GM and if you take a look at OWL he is meta there as well. So to answer your question: Genji simply is busted. Absolutely busted.


Every man and his dog are now playing genji, I had to switch to Winston on tank to try and counter him but I still struggle to beat him even with 500hp haha.

They have over buffed him.

They reduced his triple shuriken spray,and increased shuriken damage,so the increase equals x3 for right click. he had insane burst before if you could master the triple shuriken,but now he has even more insane burst without needing for you to aim.
See this is the problem with overwatch. game meta is becoming burst dependent. healers are doing way too much aoe heal while also dealing high damage.You simply have to burst them down,or whatever target you are bursting before they can press heal. With the addition of Sigme Barriers have very low cooldown and highly mobile,almost completely erases hitscan heroes from the game. You have to burst the barrier down before it’s off cd. Add armor and how heals can regenerate armor and there’s your reasons for Genji changes. That’s why they can’t nerf Junkrat when his damage is blatantly OP. That’s why they can’t nerf Roadhog’s oneshot combo by fixing the hook hitbox because he needs to pull those healers from other side of the map. That’s why Doomfist needs that oneshot punch. Hell,even Sigma’s normal attacks have burst characteristics. I don’t like where this game is going with all the burst dependency. All of this could be circumvented with simple numbers adjust.

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well said man, especially on that moronic design of sigma.

Would you expect anything less from one of the self inserts?