"Good Job Mercy / Ana"

lol yep. I remember when i support-duo’ed with a friend, even if I as frigging Lucio had 25% more healing than Mercy and dropped the beat on blade and shts, ppl will upvote Mercy and not me :smiley: Was a running gag between us.

Hard pocketing is boring though.

Even as a mercy main i really loathe the concept of just sitting behind a dps and letting them do all the work.
I feel that mercy should be at her best when hopping from target to target, zooming above the battle to supplement healing from the other support where needed and maybe kill a sniper while at it.

I feel like the devs should aim for that, instead of sitting behind walls and basically just being a healthpack through the games.
If you’re stuck in perma heal mode instead of whipping out the gun every once in a while, your team is definitely not working as it should. (Be it hero swaps or just being out played and stomped)

1,000,000% agree.

It is a mechanic that shouldn’t be in the game. But while it is strong, as a Mercy player you kind of have to abuse it.

Personally, I’d make changes to her that lean her more towards “battle Mercy” than pocket Mercy

Then again, soon she will be useless. They seem to just want to give new supports the ability to do everything rather than have a niche and be more mechanically intensive.