"Grow A Backbone" People Have A Part in Toxicity Problem As Well

A few days ago I created a topic (on American server by an accident) about asking “does reporting deter toxic players” in this game. Many people said that it was. However a few stated that it’s not fault of toxic players. Apparently wanting a better gaming experience, not asking for unnecessary abusive behavior is being a baby. Apparently it’s my fault that I am getting offended by N* words or homophobic slurs. I should just act like an emotionless AI, just play the game and git gud, right?!

Well, I can’t. I am playing games to get away from daily life or sometimes problems of the world. How can anyone play better while someone wants that person to get cancer and die?

These so-called strong, edgy people are part of the problem. They are condoning this toxicity under the name of “freedom of speech”, “freedom of expression” " I started to think if they are harassing other players too.

Let me tell you something. Freedom of speech is not equal to hate speech or saying whatever rude thing you want and getting away with it. I am not playing a game to expose this kind of behavior just because a person wants to get attention and feels good about themself. I might stop thinking about them but first they need to learn the rules and act like human beings!

Some smart-minded (irony included) person would suggest me to play something else. Am I not an adult? Don’t I have the option to play whatever I want? Why are we normalizing this problem?


Every group has their extremes, don’t see how pointing them out helps, they are the minority. Keep doing what you are doing and ignore what they say.

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whiny btches have created a much bigger issue of a hell abusive report system in this game, than some slurs could ever get. Grow a skin or mute the chats if you feel offended so easily. Redline is cancer wishes however, where I’d report people regardless.

Don’t you know? When someone punches you, you should also just grow a thicker skin. You’re the one to blame, always. Not the people who can’t behave like decent human beings.


I’d prefer people throwing bad words in chats, over overly abused report system in place.

Person who goes around punching people: “I rather it be allowed to punch people than being punished for my actions.”

unless bad words aren’t punching.

So you play this game and get offended even thou you know that someone will call you a r3tard?Toxicity is normal in every community and trying to police it never worked from what I saw.Just say you to jackass and ignore it.Trust me it works.Also free speech covers all kinds of speech(even hate speech).

I was reported by some baby because I told them to switch to another character.Thats just normal in any community with a big enough fanbase.

Something every child should utter until it becomes stuck in their mind and never shakes loose…

AHEM!.. “Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but words will NEVER! hurt me”

and truer words have never been spoken… poor little melty snowflakes recoil in terror from vibrations through the air uttered from the orifices of hurting individuals…

if you are thus… and cannot steel yourself from such flimsy assaults… then best you go to the place where their are no words… or anything else, for that would be best for you, and the rest of society

I wouldn’t call you a baby nor would I tell you that you’re a sensitive snowflake.
But there really is something to “growing a thick skin.”

And I know that a lot of people are very sick and tired of that term because it’s usually followed by low-key insults or some other demeaning crap.
But if you can take a few steps back and look at what it really means when a faceless gamertag on the internet insults you. If you can genuinely see how little it matters in your life and how insignificant their childish outbursts are.
Then I’m sure it’ll have very little to no effect to you.
And getting an understanding why they do this might lessen the frustration too.

This takes time and practise of course. And you’re gonna have days where you do get angry or hurt, but there’ll be less and less of them.

I’m not defending toxic behaviour but a strict system will be abused. And that would be a bigger issue.

It’s probably not what you wanted to hear but I hope it might help.
Good luck and try to have fun! :]


Then, if I may, I would not recommend a competitive online game where there’s a lot of “passionate” people.
There are many good singleplayer and co-op games out there and they’re not all expensive.

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“It’s not my fault, I’m not toxic, people just abuse the report system and Blizzard is to blame”…

Just like with people blaming Blizzard for their internet cutting for a few seconds and disconnecting from the game.

Just like with people blaming Blizzard for smurfs and hackers ruining their games.

All can be boiled down to stubborn and angry people not willing to change and realize they are part of the problem and not as good as they think at the game.

This is getting old honestly, yes people are part of the problem and if they are not willing to change then get banned, good riddance.


Blizzard are very much at fault though. Piling it up on the players and conditioning them that is all on them and never the system is straight up silly. The system is bad. The OP may not be right but you are not right to blame it all on the players either.