Hacker in comp game

Replay code GDNBHK
Enemy playing tracer and Sombre so obvious.

I think this is just another one where the player is just better (based on the account level… just someone who probably has a played a lot of those heroes and has good mechanics for the level, obviously a chance they deranked to have “easier” games, but can’t see the profile)

What time do you suggest looking at specifically to see hacking? Because on Tracer he sees to have reasonable tracking, but is just body shotting.

And other than maybe Mei… Is going completely uncontested.

You team just playing a Bastion sat in the open with no really tank backup suggests this isn’t high ranks… So I guess it is just someone whos played a lot of Tracer and just does his thing.

Watching his Sombra… this is not a cheater, and he is much better on Tracer (trying to be nice there lol)

I see nothing out of the ordinary here. Unless you have a specific point to look at.

Got to the end… it just feels like this might be one of those games where you were getting annoyed and trying to deflect blame on to something else, even though you won.