Have they ruined Zarya?

Thoughts on her recent nerfs and current state? Anyone play her regularly? I’m curious to hear your opinions

Hah I actually had no clue that happened. Rein+Zarya is the most popular tank composition up to master, then Orisa becomes the most popular tank. Orisa + Bastion compositions. Man, this sucks, trading one bad tank comp for an even worse one, haha. But no, I don’t want Zarya back, bring back the dive tanks instead.

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Zarya is one of the most overpowered heroes in the game right now, are you serious?

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She’s fine, we’re starting to see a shift lately in GM where it’s mostly Orisa / Hog but her pickrate seems still strong in ranks below that.

Let’s just say, without Rein she’s not able to do as much.

She’s fine? yet she’s not effective without another specific hero being present? lol

Orisa + Roadhog is the same, strong together but not so much on their own. Lets buff all tanks then?

? D.va has always been viable and strong aside from during the grav-dragon meta which wasn’t that long-lived.

Regardless, Zarya was always bad against spam comps, which the meta seems to be leaning towards. Being 80% average energy doesn’t help if she dies before even getting close enough to the enemy team to kill something.

D.Va being played doesn’t mean the meta is dive centric. I’d love to go back to D.Va + Winston dive, Roadhog eats them for breakfast.