High latency on blizzard servers wow and OW

Hello I got some issues after the last patch, my game is a bit messed up. Maybe you guys could help me locate the issue.

| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| xx.0.xx.xxx - 0 | 608 | 608 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 |
| ti0136a430-gw.ti.telenor net - 0 | 608 | 608 | 21 | 26 | 98 | 23 |
| ti0010c400-ae9-0.ti.telenor net - 0 | 608 | 608 | 33 | 37 | 49 | 35 |
| ti0300c360-ae92-0.ti.telenor net - 0 | 608 | 608 | 33 | 37 | 67 | 35 |
| ti3163c360-ae8-0.ti.telenor net - 0 | 608 | 608 | 32 | 36 | 66 | 39 |
| ti3001b400-ae3-0.ti.telenor net - 0 | 608 | 608 | 32 | 36 | 94 | 36 |
| netnod-ix-ge-b-sth-1500.blizzardcom | 608 | 608 | 34 | 41 | 133 | 37 |
| ae1-br01-eqsk1.as57976 net - 0 | 601 | 601 | 47 | 79 | 2897 | 72 |
et-0-0-3-br01-eqam1.as57976 net - 56 | 161 | 72 | 0 | 2388 | 4867 | 4179 |
| - 40 | 185 | 112 | 0 | 2237 | 4971 | 3959 |
| - 0 | 608 | 608 | 46 | 52 | 155 | 48 |
| No response from host - 100 | 123 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

From my POV it doesn’t look that bad, nothing that is majorily different then before I got this problem, which was before the latest patch.
I don’t appear to have any packetloss or any yellow icons showing during my games.
But my shots are definately delayed and my ping is hovering around 65-67ms in comp games on ams1 servers. Which is quite a bit above my usual 40-41ms.
You can check my winrate log I was at 90-95% winrate on most heroes after 4-5 hours of this comp season because I obviously dont belong in diamond but after this lag fest started for me I’ve dropped to 50-60% winrate and declining, primarily because my shots don’t land where I shoot.

What else could it be, could it be mailfunctioning hardware? which would be odd when my latency in CSGO is mostly 30ish.

I bolded the average numbers, because i couldnt stack this stuff right.

edit 1: 3 days without a response which means something is up that Blizzard can’t fix.
My issue starts between:
ae1-br01-eqsk1.as57976 net at 79 and
et-0-0-3-br01-eqam1.as57976 net at 2388 and packet loss.
What is happening here, both are Blizzards domain it seems.

I used a VPN to change to paris and amsterdam, same ms latency on both. Amsterdam do however give me much greater hit registration on my shots, so I’m able to play somewhat decently again. But I’m still hindered by my abnormally high latency.