How do i get banned from overwatch?

Hi my name is pepe and I have a question. How do I get banned? Every time I play over watch I get so frustrated and rage, then I say " I hate this game " “this game is so garbage” and rage. Then an hour or two pass by and I’m on overwatch again playing it again. I want to quit, and I want to stop playing this game but something always pulls me back in. I would love to delete this game but I can’t. So I cant bring myself to stop playing and I cant bring myself to uninstall the game. So the only option I have is to get banned from overwatch. But the problem is how? How would I get banned? Do I be toxic, do I post something inappropriate on the forums should I use hacks or macros. If you know how to get banned from ow please inform me.

I don’t really know myself but i guess you have to be real toxic and say mean things in voice chat so you get reported A LOT.

I don’t think you can get banned just from being mean on the forums.

Learn to control your emotions or your emotions will control you

  • Budokan

If you really get frustrated when playing the game then simply uninstall the game and leave it for good.

Yet why can’t you delete the game?

If you want to get banned, you just threw money out of the window and if you want to try the game again at a later time, you won’t be able to unless paying it a second time.

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type “ez” in all chat and you gonna get banned in few minutes

alternatively you could just try learn some self control

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Just keep playing. You’ll end up banned anyway for saying hi in all chat because anything can be interpreted as abusive chat…

i got suspended for “abusive chat” when i have teamchat and allchat muted to avoid toxicity… when i contested it i was told by the customer lack of support agent that “non-communication in a team based game could be considered toxic and upheld the suspension”

damned if you do, damned if you dont…

i find it funny though that the lack of brains on the customer lack of support side is going to end up killing this game…

when everyone is banned because of toxicity… there will be no players and hence no toxicity… nice one blizzard :+1:

Play torb only in comp and don’t join voice, thats basically all you have to do for a few hours in my experience

He either has no admin rights on the pc, or simply doesn’t know how to unistall anything.
… Regardless looks like a troll to me.

My thoughts exactly, the first sentence kind of gave it away and then reading every typical forum rant formed in a sarcastic post, I’m almost certain.

I mean easiest would be to change the password into something random if a person doesn’t have self control.

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This is just sad. If this isn’t a troll post then you’re seriously a sad person.

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If you wanna get banned, just play an off meta character while trying to fill a role. Nobody on this game respects each other’s decisions anyways.

Just play QP.
Less thrill sure. But no frustration and no stress.
If at the end of your gaming session you feel unpleasantly tensed then it’s not worth it tbh. But you still can enjoy the game if you like.

How about you donate your account to some random kid on the street. Like you will make his day for sure.
You can then make a youtube video about it and make millions of $ from ad revenue. Make sure to clickbait it name it “Saving a kid by giving him my Overwatch account (Gone wrong)” and then you just profit and enjoy a easy life living of royalty.