How to fix the game (solution easy)

As long as low skill heroes counters high skill heroes this game will be shìt

There are no “low skill” heroes, there are just heroes that you don’t respect.

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I dont see any major problems with nobrain heroes. They’re easilly counters by aim or a good gamesense.

im sorry, but shìtaim andys should not win the game. Dead game lol

There are no heroes with no aim requirements. Winston, Rein and Brig are as close as they get, but they’re extremely short range so they shouldn’t be an issue.

This is the dumbest take.

I am with Art3mis.

There is differing skill ceilings, but there is now high/low skilled heroes. Just high/low skilled players.

well to be fair to their point, at low skill matches that’s what is gonna happen, easier to utilize characters will win more often in those types of matches because of the lack of skill, but anywhere else their point falls apart because it’s not a matter of skill, it’s a matter of smart play.

True. So that is a play skill issue. Not a hero balance issue.

It is well know Bap is a little overtuned. But bad players will still be bad on him. And that is why they will just play safe and you see Ana Mercy so much. Easier for people with lower mechanical skill to feel like they are actually offering something. But high skilled players will actually be able to play them 2 heroes properly… and know not to play them most of the time.

you can play anything as long as you’re good enough, so really there is no optimal strategy or optimal pick, it’s just strategies and picks for weaker players.

it’s weird to think about, but it’s actually true.

True. Especially in gold.

But if the enemy are running Ana Brig… and you have Moira Mercy… you will struggle.

As always… just because it works doesn’t mean it was the right thing.

yeah but you will get moira mercy vs ana brig sometimes and moira mercy will win because they are playing moira mercy, but usually as i’ve stated it comes down to a domino effect where everything comes down to a single action positive or negative in effect that will determine the rest of the confrontation putting one team massively on the backfoot and that is simply not favouring any character in particular which means you can basically get away with playing anything.

there is no real true “good pick” only understanded strategies that have permeated itself creating a meta so people will say
“pick that character because i know how to play around that”

because they don’t know any better, so when it fails they blame their team for performing that strategy badly instead of recognizing the strength of the enemy players or their strategy that might have been a little odd.

sometimes it’s not because you played badly or picked the wrong character, sometimes the opponent was simply better.
and i think it’s kind of weird that people refuse to acknowledge that fact in this game but they do readily embrace and understand that fact very well in other games.

They will win sometimes. It doesn’t make it a good idea.

You run across the M25… occasionally you will make it across unscathed…

Negative reinforcement is a huge hurdle for people to get over in their quest to improve at the game. Basically… Winning doesn’t mean you played well, or even did anything “right”. You just won a match.

If you don’t learn why you won, you won’t improve. And then get games that are too hard for you.

This is why people think there is some form of forced wins and losses. Because they are not actually learning to play.

not the same thing and you know it.

anyways it is true about negative reinforcement that makes you learn bad habits, that’s why you can’t really dissect what you did right or wrong in many games that you play because a stupid action that won you that round one time might never work again.

and learning to play i can’t say that most people know how to play the game proper, they just latch onto whatever works that they’ve seen replicated over and over, not really learned why it works or how it works so they can make their own strategy that would have the same success.

let me ask you this, if a person is able to draw a perfect copy of a painting, are they able to paint just as good as that painter was who made the original?


There are professional artists that do what is called “art reproductions”.

i asked you are they just as good as the original painter?
i’d say they are not because haven’t proven they can make a piece that is as good as that on their own merit, they had to simply copy an action without knowing it’s purpose behind it.

it’s the same as copying every position a pro widowmaker stands in but not know when and why they stand there at certain junctions of the game.

Yes. That is why they would have been have been asked to create a reproduction.

And it is. As all you are missing is the aim.

Where to position, when to move, and how to aim are all learned skills. All boosted by study, reproduction and practice.

just saying just because you do everything a pro does doesn’t make you a pro yourself.
i’ve seen far too many painters who does copies who can’t actually draw an image by themselves or know any of the fundamentals behind the painting they replicated.

Never said it did.

I am saying you can watch and learn and be better.

only if you know what you should look for which isn’t that obvious.

You do a thing.

You watch back and see if you could have done it better. A different pathing, a different target.

If you can’t watch a clip and see how someone could have improved it, doesn’t matter who, then you are not going to achieve anything, anywhere.