I am quitting after more than 1000 hours. Here's why

but thats what they do, playing bad so they stay in a lower elo to play their mains sometimes and feel superior

There is a condition in my argument. Only if smurfs play properly, they won’t be a problem.

Grow up. There are way more smurfs and boosters in bronze. Get over it and stop crying.

Game is r3tarded memegame now?

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There will be smurfs obviously since Overwatch made is £7 to buy the game making it cheaper for high level players to go “you know what I wanna start off fresh cause I know how to play the game”. But the real issue is the speculations of Overwatch becoming f2p cause then levels don’t matter anymore since it’s just gonna be low level t500 or GM right and left, and then the loyal players will leave, then the new players that came along since it’s f2p will leave and then Overwatch will be left with nothing since they can’t manage their game right and listen to their players. If I had a vote I would elect Seagull and XQC as new managers of overwatch

The ranking/laddering means jack squat in Overwatch! It is entirely placed on over all total of team wins and team losses, consecutively to make matters worse! It is by no means a measure of how good you are as a player!

I love this dude but you can’t be serious right now :smiley:

I mean XQC could probably make the game more balanced than any of the other developers in Overwatch, I mean brig and Moira :joy: not to mention reapers new patch coming that’s gonna wipe tanks, the only comps that peoppe can go now is all healer comp cause they can still do butt load of dmagse from Moira, zen and brig. That’s all you need to run, Moira for stupid damage, brig for stun and damage, ana for nano, zen for discord and Lucio for speed. I think the Overwatch team don’t realise that it’s the healers that are the issue with goats and not the tank, so they thought reaper could counter goats better when it just counters all the tanks.

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They need to stop balancing the game around the pros and think about the actual player base, not the top 1%. I’m at 2300 sr have 1000 hours played and fluctuate +/- 1000 points due to getting matched with silver and bronze players regularly. In all that time (i solo que), I’ve never had a team run GOATs, never had a Triple support comp etc. It’s generally 5 dps and 1 tank or healer. I’ve been watching these same threads on the forums for 13+ seasons, the bottom line is that the devs don’t care and the only thing we as players can do is stop buying products from Blizzard until they decide to take care of their customers.


Oh, it’s a classic one. So, if there is some 4500 smurfs in you diamond games, then there is also a chance for them to be in your team and carry you. Or you are trying to say that every good smurf is always against you?

Even if thats a nice point, smurfs allow people for a fresh start, which is ok, now that they know the game they can play to a level that represents their proper one without the comparison with the past. supposedly…

Around 50% of the games in bronce have at least a smurf, they usually do two things.

One…they take a dps and abuse of the other players literally harrashing them to a point that they cannot leave the spawn point.
Two… they start trolling one way or another.

In my last games, and Im in bronze and im not a good player… (but i have enough experience and hours on this game to know better than that…)

In two games I had trolls, a mercy paired with alucio that spend the time typping in the spawn point, then they moved together throwing themselves to the enemy as they made jokes in general chat. It was so blatant that me, as soldir had gold healing… interesting cause i picked up soldier just the second round… and with 600 healing…

Another case were the groups formed by a soldier mcree tracer and followed by a mercy with comments like "youa re my s… only this mercy can be my c…t and names with variations like realmercy killmercy etc… I found some like those. They basically play to camp the enemy spawn point harrashing ONLY the mercy players or support ones, not capturing the game at all.
I guess some of you would say that spawn camping is legit. Not with four not when youa re losing the point over and over not when they are sitting there only to kill one support… and yes they tend to lose.

Ive reported some like those to just find other accounts with similar names, forming a group again with low ranks, same tactic.

Those games sucks cause basically if they are on your team …simply is exhausting, and if they are not, you can take the point alone without them caring. Or fed by a healer tht doesnt heal at all, or a reinhart that simply waves at the top of a payload.

On the other hand, answering your post. Level 80, playing hanzo with a 76% widowmaker with more than 20-30 critical hits, tracer that spawn camp this time for good and switch to phara if needed with the same proficiency. A level 80 that knows, as it is said all the map healthpacks, how to position, one clips the supports… and is basically unkillable.

These people just need a torb or a bastion standing to take the ones that they miss or they have not killed and the game is done.

Of course both groups end mixed cause they have found trolling/abusing so they do both tactics one way or another, blatantly or even simulating but to stay on that rank ad continue to play their particular “game”.

In bronze is more disgusting cause some new people dont even know how to identify them, some can be frustrated, the games suck victory or lose… they enjoy the game you dont, and thats half of it.

I do not care if jk or any dev consider this is not an issue, they have made mistakes in the past, they have said things that in the near future supposed an issue. They released brig and trying to mock the people saying she was op, talking about briggite “forum” …then nerfs nerfs nerfs. They said that roadhog should not have a one shot ability and more a bugged one, by that time they released doomfist.

Im not saying that is an easy task, more the way the characters and game modes are designed… but I cant care less about what the devs say at this point. For everyone in the game, been trolled or carried so hard is really not a good experience. If im a bad player, that i am…is cause im casual and want to improve and want to play at my rank, if it is bronze then it is bronze i could not care less.

But a game based on been abused by people that clearly have a wide and deep knowledge of the game, that they abuse of others cause they are better and then they simply start losing making “jokes” or throw the game … who likes that?
The devs consider that smurfs are not an issue cause they will, at some point, reach their level…which is not true cause basically they manipulate the ranks. They know the game and how to do play high skill characters, of course they know how to manipulate the rank system as well.

In any case is not really a competitive, fair and balance experience, so if they try to tell us that a rank or their system pretends to provide you with people of your same skill…then im sorry but something is not right here.

By the way those cases happened to me in the last two days. The tracer, the group of trolls, the healers trolling, the phara/tracer abuser, the hanzo/widow… out of 30 games I can say at least 15 had one of those two cases.

Maybe we have lost the perspective of this as a video game and we take it as some sort of career, were we should get gud, or make this a second job. One we have to watch videos train and use other programs to learn how to aim… and then adapt and be updated with the next update that will change the mechanics of the game and we will ahve to play what the devs want, when they want. For a lot of people is easier to just move to another game that is funnier and fair, than try to learn how to abuse of a system the same way others do.

Maybe that , at the end, is the problem with smurfs, the game is not fun, we have less people playing, even if we have more “new accounts”. And when a videogame is simply not fun to play…

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For this reason, I stopped trying hard in competitive mode. I begin to understand why people go down in bronze, they just want to get at least some pleasure.

playing vs smurfs is better to improve and get better if you cant beat smurfs then how you expect to play at higher ranks ? also i hate when people complain about smurfs or give up mid game because enemy has low level account ? that guy literally can be 100-200sr diff from his main acc or 500+ you never know so just play and focus on your own gameplay if you can’t beat few smurfs then you don’t belong in higher ranks good bye lol you are not first who quits game for no sense like this and prolly wont be last

Took me 70 ~~ games to hit 4300 from 2600 :smiley:

I mean if you make an alt so you can use it to practice at GM without ruining your main rank what are you supposed to do if you place too low? It isn’t their fault.

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The thing is, if they’re a better player, they shouldn’t be playing in lower ranks. I don’t understand how it is so hard to understand.

As the post above says, if someone gets a new account and does everything they should, the MMR will put them where it thinks they should be.

If that’s “too low” so be it, they will move up quickly. You don’t pick your MMR, it takes a lot of data, that it just can’t get that quickly.

many people just wanna win, they don’t care about fairness. How hard is this to understand? Matchmaker balancing makes winning to hinge on a dice roll, situation which isn’t very popular amongst ton of people so they crap on the system and cheat it whenever they can.

Exactly why SBMM gets such flack in casual modes for other games.

People don’t want to sweat over a quick game. They just want to run about, shoot things and have a laugh.

For ranked mode it is fine. But there isn’t that many people who truly go sweaty try hard in every ranked game. They just want to play and let their skills pop off.

And that learning to get good at something and popping off element of the game is lost on a lot of people.

But the thing is, they will intentionally throw games