I wanna do propper shooting ranges and all there is missing are heroe models

The workshop is a well received milestone in Overwatch’s existence, and yet there is so much more you can make out of it.

I made shooting ranges before, but there are only so few targets currently to choose from. Doomist, Genji, Tracer, Widowmaker, Moira, Hammond hell even Reinhard all use unique ways of movement what make propper AI programming an nightmare and i totally accept Blizzards decision not to invest ressources to make those AIs work. BUT: When thinking of making shooting ranges, blizzard realy doesn’t have to do any programming themselfes.

You can EASILY put AI Ana’s into an repeating leap across a programmed distances currently using “setting pulse” to simulate Widowmaker grapplejumps. But using real and even scoped in Widowmaker models would add so much more to it! And not only because of different hitboxes.

Think of an Ana reaction test chamber where random heroes start using their ults, you don’t know who they are or where they come from, so your job is to find out whoever that is, audiotrack the position and place an sleepdart. Mccree, Soldier, Genji, Reinhardt, Bastion, Mercy when rezing have an casttime long enough for a well timed sleepdart, even uncloaking Sombras can be tracked when having inhuman reactions and hear out the “ke onda” before EMPing.

Those kind of practice ranges are easily programmed, an Genji AI that is autoaiming an “dash - ult - dash” combomove towards the player is no different.

So… Am i the only person on this planet who wishes that to happen?