I won 8 out of the past 10 games and I still uninstalled

Blizzard need to work out how to make the game less soul crushingly hopeless in the following situations:

  • People leaving
  • Queued on a team with massive division disadvantage

I won 9 out of 10 games and climbed 500sr. Then, I got put onto a team with players 2 divisions lower than the enemy team and we got absolutely rolled, whatever. Then, we were in a close game and somebody left, so we got to lose incredibly slowly.

I have uninstalled again.

Things that might have made me stay:

  • Show me how the leaver got punished. Tell me how much SR they lost. Maybe redistribute their lost SR as compensation to the team who is going to lose the game. Sure, we might lose 30sr for the loss, but if that gets mitigated by 12sr each because you chunk the leaver by 60 then that’s not so bad. These numbers are just an example.

  • Display SR change for mitigating factors. If you are on a weak team and lose, but you performed higher than average for your SR in terms of damage, damage blocked, healed etc, then apply that as a mitigation and SHOW THE PLAYER. Show "hey, you did drop this much, but you did a lot for your team: +2 sr.

At the moment you just get FCKED and you get fcked raw. There is NO reason to feel good about your performance in the game if you had a lower ranked team that lost or if you have a leaver, it’s a slow a crappy way to lose, you are powerless against it and THATS why this game feels so horrible to lose.

Just give us something to mitigate it, and don’t hide it behind some veil, show us why. You are having another resurgence because of role queue, but you will bleed those players out again unless you mitigate the primary sources of feelstrashman in the game and I think the above is the primary salt factor and it definitely is for me personally.

If I get farmed in a fair game it’s fine. Christ i lost 6 games in a row the other day and I didn’t quit. The tipping point was things out of my control that dry f*cked me that made me feel like the game sucks and it’s totally unfair.

Edit: I do think role queue is amazing and is the only reason I came back to try it at all. Having 5 dps WAS the main salt factor, but now it’s a salt mine because of factors that are outside of the individual players control.


Leavers, throwers and smurfs. You will never get away from them, not even with 2-2-2.

This is the end, my friends.

I fail to see how this is blizzard’s fault

they should have a better sistem and not 10 minute ban

because people needs compensation for that. Its not about doing the leaver have more penalty because everybody can have a crushed computer, internet disconecction etc, its not like every leaver did it on purpose. In fact i would say like only the 20-30 % of disconects are " true leavers".