Impossible to solo ranked

Hi ppl i just wanna say that its just impossible to play ranked as a solo player the matchmaking is just wrong i know you cant win all games but to lose 10 in 3 days from the 11 games i have played in ranked .
I know im not the best player out there but im not the worst either .
im getting put in teams with ppl how only play one char no tanks and that kind of stuff i moostly play moira but switch if it is needed.
anyone have any idee what i can do .

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Playing solo ranked whole time, never looked back at QP, so you’re wrong.

  1. learn more heros and fill the gaps.
  2. carry with your best.
  3. stop blaming the team, focus on yourself
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Great advice…coming from a guy who was just bragging about rage quitting a lot on another thread.

This game’s ranking system is utter garbage so stop telling people otherwise. The gold-low master ranks are a cess pool of people who are no where close to their real skill level. There are some amazing players who are stuck in that 2500-2900 range , and some garbage players in the high diamond to master range. It’s so bad that even the best players in the world, like Kabaji, struggled to get past that 2900 point on stream playing only flex.

It’s time to get off your high horse and accept this game is broken, and Blizzard does not have an active interest in recreating a proper competitive system. Activision stock has been tanking, and rightfully so with the product management decisions throughout their lineup.


This, people love to claim how top 500 players can get to top 500 over and over again, thing is it does not happen over the course of a couple of hours, but literately days. Even with them more or less actively coaching their teams as they are very active shot callers most of them. Thing is, seeing as how good they are, it should be a matter of hours, or a couple of games, I mean the skill gap between 2900 and 4300 is supposed to be massive, and to some extent it is, but stil… it is a joke. Show me a moba game for example were the pros struggle at lower ratings. I happen to know a former pro player in the old heroes of newerth game, and he used to reset his profile every two months or so, just to be top 10 in the ladder at 1900+ mmr less than 3 days later.

how does that relate to each other?
Just the fact that some matches are completely fvcked up doesn’t tell anything about this topic.

If you don’t want to acknowledge the relevance, then there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise. Such is the nature of the Overwatch community in general. I spoke to the topic at length thereafter, but you casually just ignored it lol…can’t expect too much from a rage quitter I guess.

My point still stands. Nearly every game is fvcked. If you think the fact that you win games means the games aren’t fvcked, then you’re mistaken. Overwatch rarely produces even games. They are almost always steamrolls, one way or the other. I have to admit that many issues are due to hero-balance in Overwatch, with the game now basically revolving around GOATS and ult battles. The other major issue, however, is that people just aren’t in the rank they belong, for whatever reason that is.

I’ve been high diamond/ low masters for most of my career. I have an alt hanzo account that hit masters shortly after placements and another account that was consistently at the 3.4k ish mark. On this account, I’ve usually been around 3.3-3.8k up until last season.

I now play with 4 friends who are all plat, and am around the same SR as them. Even games where I get 70-80% kill participation, I have had losses. Games where I have 30+ crits with McCree in a half, with 60%+ accuracy I have lost. Games where I’ve had 40%+ of the team’s damage, I have lost. And these are all games where I would say I have played incredibly well.

EDIT: Wanted to add that my friends aren’t bad Overwatch players and I would consider them above average, but one or two random players not pulling their weight has cost us these games.

On the other hand, there are games where I have absolutely steamrolled the other team, playing even sub par. The opponents are just so obviously outmatched that it’s not even fun. I can remember so many 1v1 hitscan battles where the opponent is atrocious, even being career Soldier or Widow mains. I can not remember the last close game I had where both teams were evenly matched and all players were competent and performing well in their respective roles.

Like I said, at super high tiers, it becomes less of an issue and people generally perform at a high level.

Just watch your average plat player’s tracking, flick aim, and game sense. It varies so much from one player to another, that most games are just a clusterfvck.

And again, I will mention. Kabaji and Dafran both had trouble climbing out of plat. Kabaji more so since he flexed. Dafran did it in 50 games just playing soldier recently, but there were so many games he barely squeaked out even when playing out of his fvcking mind. Jayne on his “Guess my SR” series has mentioned multiple times that plat is such a crapshoot that he can hardly guess properly in that range. He specifically even called out 2900ish SR being the hardest range to climb out of, by far.

its fvcked not to a higher degree than any other game you would play with random strangers. All you need to do is stop blaming other people, smurfs, unfair rules, broken heros etc, and try the best from what you got.

I dont even know what you are trying to tell me with that obsolete wall of text. Yeah, the matchmaking isn’t perfect but thats more due to people behaving randomly than anything else you could blame on blizzards part. Players are humans not robots, neither can they be predicted by robots (what a piece of software like matchmaker is) - inconsistency and inconstancy is our core nature. You expect clearly too much from a robot who’d need to evaluate any random humans capabilities, mood and physical condition remotely for a perfectly balanced match at any given time.

Btw. you’ve even proven TS wrong with this:

unless your definition of “impossible to solo ranked” is not hitting GM level of play. lol

That is the main issue. The ladder is more about grinding than anything else. The only reason I’m 3.1k now and not 2.7k is I have grinded like 120+ (not sure) games of ranked this season, instead of playing just the placements and going back to practice in FFAs after that.

Likewise, I still have 59% win rate as Widow (which I main) so I assume this is not my real rank. The point is, how goddamn long one has to grind to get the win rate down from 59 %, to 50% aka the real rank. Like 200 games? That’s like 70hrs gameplay, 100 with all the queues. Nice meme.