Is the pink mercy skin ever coming back?

You miss an important flaw in your idea - that people probably won’t spend 10 bucks on a skin which is common and not strongly limited in a way - means no money for charity at all.
I think I wouldn’t have purchased it if it wasn’t special.

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Limited items can come back to sale just saying, I hope it does come back others deserve to have it too. :ok_hand:t2::heart:


Actually that won’t make them limited anymore.


I hope they bring a different skin.
I don’t think ppl would buy pink mercy again.
Yes millions where made with the skin.

But everyone could buy the new skin.
= more money for the research.

And I think if they bring the mercy skin again, those who buy it for the research AND exclusiveness, won’t buy the new skins, since they will come again anyway.

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What about other limited skins? Like Pink Mercy can get back in the line it wasn’t that long ago and if you really wanted it, it was only 15$, I want my alt accounts to have Noir Widowmaker. A skins not seen since 2016 same for Blizzcon Winston.
If you want a budgeted pink Mercy you can buy the pink team esports skins and you will still be supporting something.

The Hangzhou Spark's Mercy

If Pink Mercy ever gets back, everyone will demand there fav limited skins back as well, and dont use the cause as an excuse, that’s just wrong. If you really want to support that cause they are a lot of valid ways to do that.

Here are some legit organisations if anyone is interested.
Charity Watch: Top breast cancer charities

  • Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
  • National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund.
  • Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (formerly Breast Cancer Fund)
  • National Breast Cancer Foundation.
  • Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation.
  • Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation.

I mean i just ask, when is the male genitalia related cancers, getting a skin and funding. Considering it

  1. Affects equally as many men as the female cancers does females.

  2. Has substancially less funding, despite the fact, that it affects equally as many individuals. (About 5-10 times less funding as far as i am aware)

  3. When blizzards core audience especially in Overwatch, is still far more male than female.

  4. That female cancer donations has been made before by blizz already.

I think it is incredibly sad to think about those three things after that event.

It’s for charity people, how scum can ya’ll be. Tsk tsk


Isn’t the world cancer awareness day an annual thing?
Should it be released annually for a week?
Or should they do a new hero next time?
either ways I don’t have such a disposable income on virtual cosmetics, so it doesnt matter to me ;-;

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This is old but breasts aren’t genitalia and men also get breast cancer. Also as of 2017 twice the number of women play Overwatch than men

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Prostate cancer is, what i was referring to, but yes even men get breast cancer as well and they get 0 funding and backing in this either. There is no statistic proving that at all, that is a straight up lie, the statistic you are looking at is “twice the number of female players compared to other FPS”, which is 16% female players in overwatch, still a minority by far.

um the point was to raise money to promote breast cancer and hopefully stop this killer, not so some nerd can gloat they are the small amount of people have some skin for some video game character

it has nothing to do with sales and everything to do with curing cancer, also i got it and i forgot to watch the twitch streams so i didn’t get the sprays, what about us??

Honestly, I don’t want to say it but that’s a spoiled move :/. I never got a chance to get it because my parents wouldn’t let me, and that could be the same for many others. I think they should bring the skin back, and you really shouldn’t have the want to take your money back. The money went towards something important, and can help people with cancer in the future. Please take these thoughts into consideration when thinking of the pink mercy skin :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hopefully not. I gave money for the exclusive skin, I won’t be happy if everyone gets it.

smug bastard!! i soo hate you! :rage:
I want that skin :sob:
No fair! i started playing overwatch just after that charity drive!
throws a little tantrum

My life is ruined forever!!!

Am I the only one who would have given 15 euro even if there was no skin “reward”? This was for charity, the skin was just a bonus. I wouldn’t mind if they added it to regular loot boxes now, exclusivity is a very bad thing, it breeds elitism, greed and toxicity.


i’ve given plenty to charity for no reward… just not human charities… i like WWF.

we have to many humans as it is but not enught pandas tigers and other endangered species… though tigers are not quite in as bad a spot as they where a few years ago…

I don’t want these beutiful creatures to just be sad historical footnote.
If a few humans starve to death here or there is a relativly minor concern if you ask me… still important but it’s on a lower tier of concern.

I value the wealth of the world i.e bio diversity our shared cultural and technological heritage and availability of various critical resources. (like the stupidity of letting people waste helium on party balloons when it’s a critical resource in industry and science that we cannot easily recover once it reaches the top of the atmosphere. (we only get it in the first place through radioactive decay in rocks which takes a long long time) (each resource we loose like that cuts of technologies from us that may be critical at some point in saving the species (we only exist on one planet so far… that a dangerous situation))

Personal tragedies is a lower tier of concern…


It should be released every year! I believe that more people paid because of the charity than the fact that it was a “limited edition”.

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Uhh I think a lot of people have made a mis-understanding. If it comes back, you’ll still have to pay for it, what’s so wrong with that? Now if they made it free THEN we can riot. But until then, put your pitchforks down, please.

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I hope the pink mercy skin comes back, if it does i’m gonna cry happy tears. But if it doesn’t i’m just gonna cry, I main Mercy and i think that her Pink Mercy skin is really cute and pretty, i’ve been sending requests to ask jeff to bring back the Pink Mercy skin and no one replied.

I really want the pink mercy skin for my main :slight_smile: it might not come back which is sad :frowning: