Is there a way to ajust fov higher than 103?

It turns out OW fov value isn’t same as most other games. 103 in OW equals 87-88 in Titanfall 2 or CS for example. With all the difference in characters heigh (and so the heigh of their line of sight), high speed movemen, extremely high jumps, no momentum what so ever and all the vertical gameplay close combat becomes really messy and chaotic. Is there a way to set fov higher than 103? through config or something? I play TF2 with 100 fov so i need to set OW value to 115,63, pretty big difference to just get used to.

OW has very closed source. You really can’t do anything at all to personalize the game compared to other games like tf2 and csgo.

Short answer : No, feelsbadman