Is this another April Fool's joke ?

Blizz u could of done better then introduce this new hero… Still hoping this is a joke to be removed … cause it ain’t funny … it’s game braking !

People said nearly the exact same thing when Moira and Brigitte came and they are still here. Don’t be so dramatic.


What exactly is game breaking? The thing with the 20sec cooldown or the ult that is destroyed rather easily? The ult that’s like Orisa’s just stronger but in return focused on a much smaller area? Cause to me it looks like he’s pretty middle of the road, just that a lot of people don’t know (yet) how to deal with IF and making really good use out of IF will require a) holding it a lot and b) having very good awareness.

try playing him… it’s not for gits and shiggles he’s 3*

Plz silver go back to hell play teris if you don’t whant Learn how to Play!

nothing to do with him being silver :wink:

i’m stuck in silver (last season stuck in bronze) but that’s solo play for you.

can’t wait to play baptiste in ranked :slight_smile: (just hope the DPS hype scrubs will finaly die…)

What is it with hidden profile, endorsement level 1 players always being toxic?


And both Moira and Brig are still broken as hell.
Dunno about quickplay - I don’t play team mode anymore - but in DM, his immortality is broken as hell. It takes 3 or 4 point-blank shotgun blasts from Reaper to take down, and for everyone else, it’s easier to just wait it out. Why the hell does a non-ult have so much HP?
Also, he has great DPS output, he can heal on the run (unlike 76, who has to stay in a narrow circle), he can jump like a kangaroo… and he’s a healer. With powerful AOE heals w/o cooldown.

i guess the joke here is your post. really disturbing. learn to accept and adapt

Luckily, this game is not balanced around DM. Honestly, saying that IF has a lot of HP for one person to bring it down just doesn’t hold water for the actual game - and let’s be very clear: this game is about teamplay, that’s why we have different roles and heroes. I mean, Rein is completely useless in DM - does that mean he should be buffed? Ana as well? Lucio is barely played in DM either. Zarya is useless in DM. So do we buff them all? Because they are fairly meta in the team game. I don’t want to deny you your fun at your chosen game mode, but you can’t just take data from there to analyze heroes.

As for your arguments:
His damage is only useful if he fires at a stationary close target, otherwise the burst is unlikely to hit more than one shot.
His heal is better because Soldier’s… because Baptiste is a support. His healing output is well behind Moira, Ana and Mercy (in all ranks, even bronze).
His jump is probably his worst abiltiy. When setting up, it allows him to get high ground, but apart from that it’s mostly a liability. He has such a huge hang time, he can easily be picked out of the air.

And btw, Torb’s turret also has 250 health, has a shorter cooldown and it shoots back, so it’s inherently harder to destroy.^^ It’s also on the floor, so easier to protect than IF, and it doesn’t go away automatically after some time.


Essentially what Myrion said, don’t use Deathmatch as a way to gauge a heroes capabilities as it’s not a balanced to begin with. The heroes are not built around DM but team mode environments, Moira and Brig are not broken in team modes either (maybe lower ranks but that for a different thread). Baptiste is not some god like hero.

Sorry to sidetrack a bit (also because the main topic has been adressed) but I’m getting really, really tired of reading things like this on the forums.

You don’t get stuck in silver because you solo queue. In fact if you’re good enough you can technically never be stuck, it gets harder in higher ranks obviously but silver is a cake-walk.


and you can’t even spell want properly you arragant selfobsessed OW bangout!

Tbh, Immortality Field doesn’t seem like that big of an issue. It’s a very long cooldown and quite easily countered.

Just to give you a few examples:

  • Soldier solo kills it in 13 bullets (about 1½ sec). After this he still has enough bullets left + Helix to finish a kill before having to reload.
  • Ashe TNT will get it to 75hp, followed by 1 scoped shot will kill it. The TNT will also have dealt a lot of damage to any1 standing inside the field for you to finish.
  • Knock backs and knock ups will simply push people out, leaving them vulnerable.
  • Mei wall can block it’s line of sight.
  • Hack + EMP will disable it.
  • Any small amount of focus fire kills it very fast.

Best uses I’ve seen so far are for last minute saves against burst damage, or placing it around a corner to let your snipers peak.


Sorry i don’t play this game no more bycouse i hate play4fun toxic whaste, who can only cry this is op that is op. When they play like bots only go and die.

Yet brig was game breaking because they unleashed an unfinished, overpowerd, trifecta of a hero… Hense all her nerfs. And moira was op at one point because she barely needed aim a year ago.

Nah more like certain players couldn’t handle they suddenly had yet another counter, didn’t take long for snowflakes to start screaming OP everywhere. Granted Brigitte needed a few adjustments but it was not that game breaking.

As for Moira, she was never OP but one of the most balanced heroes ever added to the game. Of course as mentioned, certain players say otherwise when it comes to counters. The aim has never changed not sure what you mean by that, it’s kind of a soft lock but you still need to aim the damn thing, it wasn’t a no-aim (old) Symmetra or Mercy beam. Moira has barely had any changes since release, if anything slight buffs.